Saturday, October 08, 2005

Just because the way things are

Just because the way things are every once in a while I end up getting drug back into a church. Today was that every once in a while. My nephew was baptized today. He formally got his start down the path of organized religion. This is a major family event for me so I would have been hard pressed to get out of the event. Besides, I love my nephews and want to support them all I can in everyway I can. So my brother and his wife, my nice and her husband( her son was the kid being dunked), her husband’s mom and dad and my 90 year plus mom. The event was early 9:00 am, and three other lads were being put under the water in the same session. Now, this stake or ward puts on quite a production—more then I seen in other baptisms. They has a little program where the “candidates” have significant family member give brief profiles of the “candidate”. There are musical numbers and a lot of “council” from the brother in charge. Anyway, it turned out to be an almost 90 minute production from start to finish.

The boys had a football game the had to participate in following the baptism and we had to kill about an hour and a half so we went to the Farmers market. This was good but the weather began to foul up as the cold front pushed through bring clouds, lower temps and rain. We got melons, squash and various other forms of produce that I am sure we could have gotten at our local market but you always feeling like you are getting a deal buying produce from the back of a pick-up truck haggling Spanish or Western utaheese.

We rendezvoused at the local “ up chuck-a-rama”. I think I hate upchuck—a side of the decadence of the place I just hate being forced to eat huge amounts of food just because you are someone else paid for it. My mom and zillions of others her age just love the place or concept of all you can eat. I am sure it has something to do with the war or the depression of something like that. Actually the event turned out better then I had anticipated—just a little trauma with the inlaws of my nieces but not bad. Then ended up make the scene and Dianne spent a lot of time with the mom in-law to make sure the mom felt welcome. The in-laws live a couple of hours South of Salt Lake so they took off soon after the lunch to beat the ‘ Storm” which was rolling in.

Since Dianne and I had bee the first on the scene we commandeered tables for twenty so we had plenty of room and the family spread out. Dianne and I sat at the end of the table which put me close to the exit lane. My huge power chair always has issues with restaurant tables. So sitting on the end always lets me have the room I need to feel as comfortable as I can be. The family ended up breaking in to smaller family units but basic conversation was OK and the fam did not hover over me too bad. I did my usual protein and mashed potatoes and gravy—the real food does not come out till 5:00 PM but I managed with bbq chicken legs. It was a good day I am glad I was able to participate. So Saturday night Anakah is sleeping over. She and grandma at KFC for their ritual chicken, it cold and rainy just right for an Autumn evening.

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