Monday, October 31, 2005

When Abuse Is A Trade Off

Day 20

When a person gets to my age and stage in life, consistency can mean a great deal; just knowing things are to be the same from day to the next is worth a great deal. So it’s Monday afternoon and the boss is out of the office for a week. Already, one employee did not even come in, one left at lunch, had to get some early time to prep, for Halloween an now a third has informed me she is feeling “icky” and needs to leave for the day…it’s two o-clock and I am about the only one left in the office. This happens all the time, luckily I am no one’s supervisor but they all come to m to ask if it’s OK if they leave. I am surprised they do…I guess because they know that theoretically their absence will add to my workload. But, that’s OK. I agree because this leaves the office the whole back of the office to me. I can crank up my radio if I want, surf the NET or just get my work done in piece. So, I will sit back here, work on my projects and get things accomplished—if the boss calls doing a “check-in” and I think she does these when she’s on the road. She will get me “Ever Faithful”. I always seem to be here when she calls, and this she will remember. I am probably just “whistling in the “Dark”. Actually I may just be trying to assure myself that “all is well” all things being equal. The fact that my program is coming under review by one of our vendors which could actually wipe us out as currently know it. I guess I am not too worried even if the worst case scenario id played out. I would just “bounce” to another office. I doubt if that office would be with the State and I would hate to leave the benefits program I currently enjoy but one does what one has to do. I really think I would get by.

The “time change” happened yesterday. We “fell” back” I really never really notice the change till the first working day after the change when you roll out of the front door to go home and it’s nearly dark. I assume that it will be nearly dark when I exit the train tonight after work. I will need to exercise caution not only well there be truck and cars to watch out for tonight on the roll home but... ghosts, too.

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