Sunday, September 02, 2007

Don't Loose Your head

When I was bringing in the groceries, yesterday from the van, I had a major malfunction with one of those white, flimsy bags the grocery people load your groceries in to now day, for you convenience. Actually it seemed the bags railed against me in one instant and decided to disintegrate. I topped things all over the drive-way which was not too bad. A bags of canned goods hit the pavement and tried to roll away but the gutter got them and held them in place until I could retrieve the wayward cans by forcing them back into one of the bags the cans had escaped. This bit of aggravation took about fifteen minutes but eventually I got everyone into the house except the watermelon. The melon had seen it’s chance the second the cans ripped out of their bag and broke for the street. The had stuffed the fruit in one bag and I had been worried when I saw him doing this knowing the bags are flimsy and this bag was heavy enough I would most likely hold the bag in my teeth as I packed the grocries out of the van up the ramp and into the house. Any bump I might encounter might be just enough for, the bag to tear and spill; but I said nothing figuring I would be OK. I never even got the bag to my teeth, when the cans of milk split for some reason the melon took off as well. Down my lap and off my feet onto the concrete drive way and it the round fruit was picking up speed as it headed for the street and freedom of the open road. I was amazed to see the melon actually bounce as it hit the pavement of the street.

There probably nothing as lonely as a neighborhood on a Saturday afternoon of a holiday weekend. Everyone is gone, camping and swimming in the summer or skiing, sledding or movies and roller skating in the winter all I could hear in the wind rustling through the leaves. Lucky for me the same gutter which halted the flight of the cans of condensed milk also halted the moving melon. The melon just sat their glaring at me like a malevolent head. I tried a broom but that was no good. I tried one of my hooks and that did nothing but coax the fruit further down the street. I finally used a combination of the hook and my power wheelchair to push the fruit ball out of the street and even up the driveway. I almost lost him a couple of times but snagged him in the last moment. I tried to get the head up the ramp and into the house but clearly this was a no go. I know when to quit and I did. I left the orb out until Dianne was able to get up and come out and retrive the melon.

Dianne continues to heal, slowly as do I. We are just taking things easy this holiday. I cooked and interesting casserole last night and made some BBQ for lunch. Not bad.

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