Monday, September 24, 2007

What Me Blog?

My neighbor the old guy, he who is even older then and I, were talking this weekend about the new PBS series the War and I once again encourage him that he should consider writing a blog or at least scanning all the images he has from his WWII experiences. He of course came back with his standard answer “ no one would be interested in the pictures I have or what I would have to write”. I am compelled to advise him that I am interested, and that if I am interested there would be other interested. I encouraged him to at least get the images he has pretty catalogued in two binders so these images might be easily distributed to, at the very least, his family. I wish I could just do the job myself at least the scanning part—and maybe no one in his family would be interested, not right now but maybe some time. Possibly some where at the University o even NPR might have some project which is traveling the country taking oral histories of folk who fought in the WWII.

I believe my neighbor feels that if a person was not in the grunt of the battle then they were not in the War. Some how he discounts the actions of the millions of support folk who helped the country pull of this event or out involvement in the event. Most of he people I know who were part of the giant effort which as WWII were not in battle but supports, there is Barb, who was a nurse for the 82nd airborne, my Ex father in-law who trained bombardiers on the B-20 some things or even my mom who, though not officially in the armed forces chauffeured the military echelons all; over Gowen field in Boise Idaho during that period. They all played a part in the big show and they pulled it off.

Actually what my neighbor says beside what I have already written is that he has nothing to write about or would not be able to think of anything to write. I used to think that way but the more I have blogged the more I think I can never stop writing. When I think I have exhausted ideas to write about I will se something from the window of the train which will remind me of a certain experience I have had which is begging to be written about. This in in-turn makes me think how could someone who went through an international experience as World War II not have a million experiences to write about. When I ask Al about one of the images in his collection he can tell be about the event, what it was about and usually about some of the personalities of the people whose images are displayed on the snapshot. Maybe I should just get him to speak into the mic.

Why we do it I do not know—blogging every day is not necessarily fun-and for those who are counting I have not been blogging every day as I used to but hopefully skipping the days might bake the log better…or maybe not.

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