Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pray For A Second Wind

today has been one of those days one should get a medal for just getting through it. I woke up at 2:30 am and really did not get back to sleep after that. I just laid in bed and at first tried to force myself back to sleep and then being defeated at returning to sleep jut laying there in bed hoping that at least by lying there I am resting and maybe I’ll rest enough to get through the up coming day. It only semi worked today. I was exhausted by the time I got off the train when I got into Salt Lake. I even had to dress nice today because the office was hosting meeting of our agencies Executive Board followed by the Agency Transportation meeting. I am acting staff to the Transportation meeting meaning I have to be focused enough to take notes.

My office mate TT or Chapman for short, worked on our office statistics all morning. We are anticipating a meeting in May after our new website comes on line. But we want our board to have the statistics in hand when they come to the meeting. Our software is quite dated and a challenge, at bet, to work with. We worked on the document all day yesterday and today. This included counting hundred maybe even thousands of data-points, grouping like points and then graphing them into a useable document. We essentially were working data for the past six months. This is TT’s first experience with generating the agency data. TT is a trouper she jumped right into the projects and by this morning or by lunch we had the documents done, printed and being put into their respective envelopes when I realized one of the reporting period may have one quarter in too many. TT crumbled at this point. She had worked sooo hard this project and the thought of have to regenerate we some of these numbers was just too much for her to consider. She did not cry—which I commend her for—but she did acknowledge she was done for this day in no uncertain terms.

By the time I went into the transportation meeting my eyes had long glazed over and were being to roll into the back of my head. There was a couple of times I know my director caught me with my eyes clothes just a second too long. I would shake my self away and try to join the conversation. I think I did fairly well coming away from the meeting with a page and half of notes and at one time having to scramble back to my desk and frantically search my GroupWise for a name and phone number of a specific person to be invited to next month’s meeting. This task took me longer then I had wanted but I did it and everyone seemed happy. I am not going to start typing the minutes until tomorrow.

In a few minutes I will head for the train and the ride home maybe I’ll get lucky and no one I know will be on the train and I’ll be able to doze all the way to my stop.

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