Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Wave Has Past or Death and Taxes

I left for work trusting that Dianne would get up and follow up on the taxes and get them done and I would have the very painful task of coming home to sign off on the taxes and drive them to the post office and send them off and sink into debt to the IRS thousands of dollars. I had accepted this was the way things were going to be and I was OK with that. We would get by we always do. I was totally surprised when Dianne called later in the afternoon to report that somewhere late morning she had caved, the complexity of the tax burden we had developed had become too much. She called H&R Block and she had got right in for a tax consultation and the tax guys had found tax options we knew nothing about and we ( Dianne) came out with over a $1000.00 refund add to this the tax bonus the Fed have promised this year of over another $1000.00 we are going to come out smelling like roses. But most important is the IRS is off our back, no debt, no audit no pain. This has to be a miracle.

This had been a complicated tax year, with Dianne going on to Social Security and lump sum payments in the many thousands of dollars( none of which we realized since the lump sum was immediately paid back to the State for their paying us “disability” for the preceding year—the flows of monies, paybacks other benefits we used to survive was just too complicated. However, now we have got this tax year behind us our incomes should be much easier to calculate taxes on from here on out.

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