Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ships In Motion

You know how objects I motion tend to stay in motion? Well State government is much the same way. There were a number on Stat meetings set in place long before the State lunched its four ten schedule giving many employees Fridays off. I am one of those employees. Not all State organizations were as fortunate. And I have been on the board of one of those organizations. And yesterday, Friday, was one of those meeting—the DDS Advisory Board. DDS is the Disability Determination Services, these are the folks who determine if a person is disabled enough to be granted Social Security. DDS is a tough job, their management tends to push these workers hard, too hard ,I think in some cases. But serving on the DDS advisory is fairly easy duty. We, usually once every two months and they serve a pretty good lunch, since we meet over the lunch hour. Some times a hot lunch a sometimes a cold lunch but the lunches are always quality. I have always been fortunate to have the time I spend with this organization count as my work time meaning the hour I work over lunch, even though it is a lunch the lunch counts as “work time” and I can take the time off when I need it some time during that pay period.
I have also served as the Chair, of this advisory board, which is no big deal, except other perceive it as a big deal sometimes, which I think is hilarious but has dealt me well over the years. I chair another advisory board, which has sent me to numerous out of state meetings just because I was the Chair. Basically all I do is show up, pound the gavel, oif afforded a gavel, read the minutes and direct the meeting and make sure I bring ir to a close at the end of the appointed time, usually two hours. That is about it. I am amazes at how seriously the directors of programs take this voluntary position always asking my approval of agendas and even some actions the agency might take. I have never really understood this faux power but I always mention my attendance at these meeting when writing my annual reports.

I have served on the DDS Advisory Board for the past 10 years. I have missed few meetings and enjoyed the food they have offered. I have rarely made waves when waves were not needed—it’s a perk. Yesterday’s meeting was my last DDS Advisory Board meeting. I have served two four terms plus, when I came on board I finished some one else’s term which had two years remaining. I had to “step down” it’s in the by-laws, two terms, full terms is all you get. That’s OK, no big deal. I can use the extra Friday, now that I have Fridays off. And DDS will get along with out me just fine and I do have the option to be considered for service after I stay a way for a year and that decision would have to be approved by my boss who was not my boss ten years ago and I sometimes wonder how much she thinks this meeting is worth. The meals are great and the others I associate with are stimulating to a degree and the comp-time is always useful and a year is an awfully long time. And who knows what could happen by then.


Rachel B said...

Hunter does love his grandpa. In fact, my dad is staying with us for corn harvest to help out and when his dad and my dad come in at night, Hunter is glad to see Grandpa more than he is to see his dad! Poor dad! They have lots of fun playing together and Hunter really likes the days when the weather is bad because it means that Grandpa is going to stay home and play with him!

Anonymous said...

Dude! I hope you are 'untrapped'!