Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Urban Hitler

I “train” into work almost every morning and this morning was no exception except I had left the house about thirty minutes earlier then usual which meant I got downtown thirty minutes earlier. I get off at the Planetarium stop which is down by the new Mall and older warehouse district a district which is now being gentrified, “bootstrapped” into condos. The process is fascinating and I love to watching the process. Two buildings are being converted and one is looking to be one of those really nice upscale places, hard wood floors, Vulcan ranges and wine racks. It a place I ould never afford but a person has got to dream.

So today with thirty minutes to kill I thought I would take my time and check out the condo.
The building which is being converted sits across the alley of a smallish blue flat building titled “UTAH PAPERBOX CO”(UPC). The UPC thinks they own the alley between these building , and have signs posted” NOT A THRU WAY” and " Tresspassing" and the like but I have never paid attention and just drove my power chair and nothing has ever happened until today. Today as I was coming down the alley I noticed a row of windows at the top of the building, I had not noticed before: what I had thought was one giant open room was actually a row of offices, and I could see just a little of each office decorated to each inhabitants taste. I would roll a ways and stop and peer into the top of the window. I was just wandering when I got the feeling of being watched and I looked up to see a man bearing down on me with a scowl on his face. I was hoping he was not after me but that was too much to be hoping for. Sure enough walked up to be and DEMANDED “Is there something I can do for you?” translation “what the hell are you doing hanging round my building?”

I responded with something like “ nothing, just going to work.”

“Yeah, just where do you work”over there I said pointing to my building”

“Well, you know you are in a traffic zone and car are going to start coming through here any time now” By this time I was getting a little defensive,”Yeah, I know, I come this way every morning.” That was about it, because that was when I chose to zip out of there leaving UPC Hitler with his mug hanging out, an with a million things I wish I had said but did not I thought it wise and best just get out of there. The you/ I have punish my self by having ruminate for the rest of the day and think about what I am going to do tomorrow? Tomorrow, I plan to take the long way in case Adolf is looking for me.

1 comment:

Rachel B said...

Great-Uncle Mark, Mom had told me a while ago that you had a blog, but it didn't click that it was a BLOG until now! It is funny how uptight some people can be at times. It is crazy for me to see the pic of the snow on the cars. The weather in TX is much different and I miss being in a place where it begins to snow earlier than January - if it even decides to snow. I think last year it snowed at my house a grand total of 4 times! But the old farmers almanac is predicting colder weather in the area this year, so I keep my fingers crossed that we will see a little more snow thou my Husband prefers it not to snow until Harvest is over, which is fine with me! I hope all is well. ~R