Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Work Sick

Council Day every staff member is needed to insure a good Council Day and I have had enough of being sick so I drug my sorry butt out of bed and went in—thank god Dianne was there. I actually could not make the lift from my bed to my wheelchair. I had to wake Dianne up and hold the chair steady for me—mind you that never happens and has me more then just a little concerned. I am hoping I am just a little weak from so much coughing and such. There are some other problems I need to address and I have been putting them off but now I have to come to grips with these issues so I can continue to live as independently as possible.

The cold morning air felt good on my face as I left the house and motored down the ramp, I stopped at the neighbors and picked up the paper off their drive way and threw the paper on their back porch and headed further up the road, I zigged and zagged but the cold air helped me focus enough to force the zig zags into more or less straight line. I was focused enough to wait for the train as I got to the station but not focused enough to read my paperback—so I just sat there with my parka zipped up to my nose and stared at the lightening sky. By the time I got to work I could tell I should have listened to Dianne and stayed home one more day and that today was going to be a long day a very long day.

I covered phones during the first portion of Council and I began to feel a little better as the day continued. I had not had time for much a of a breakfast before I headed out the door so when the caterer showed up with her full Thanksgiving dinner was ready. I got my plate of mashed potatoes and gravy scarfed it down and began to feel load better. This afternoon I have felt much better but I can feel my cough returning but know I am on he mend and tomorrow I will be better. I canceled the broadcast I had scheduled Thursday for two weeks from Thursday December 4th and the rescheduling has made me feel just tons better.

I am about ready to head out for home, Bill and Shirley were just in my office and I was about to show them what I have been doing with the broadcast project and I think I must have got a major endorphin jolt because right now is the best I have felt all day.

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