Sunday, July 06, 2014

Sunday Afternoon Thoughts

I love my neighborhood, I especially love my neighbors. I have been fortunate to be sandwiched in between not only interesting folk but folk who care about me, my family and my home. I would like to believe that this almost idyllic setting of neighbors would last forever and never change but that's just not practical. My neighbor on one side of the house died twice three or four months ago. They brought it back both times. This guy is almost 90 years old. He is gone through rehab and is back home and he told me the other day that he was almost ready start pushing a lawnmower around again. He is actually come back in the very brink of death. Be that as it may you can only dodge bullets for so long in his numbers coming up.

My neighbor across the street who is currently single, sort of, I think we'll soon be getting hitched. This is good. His kids have left the house years ago he retired and went back to another job. He is currently rented out a couple of rooms in the basement. Now, his house is not a party house but he is sure entertaining a lot more than he used to and I think this is sort of good, but again shortchanges the face of the neighborhood. He is come over a couple of times a little smashed which is never happened before. Then there is me. I am rolling around my house and yard nearly naked and at times completely naked! And I like it.

Down the street a couple of Harley Davi motorcycle heads of moved in and are roaring their bikes up and down the street all summer long. Life is interesting as is the neighborhood. I think I'm finally beginning to adjust to this thing called retirement. I'm not doing as much volunteer work as I probably need to but that's okay to, I'm sure when the time comes and volunteer options make themselves available I will step up to the challenge. Until then I'm quite content sitting back and watching my neighborhood.

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