Wednesday, May 20, 2015

One Of Those Days

It is going to be one of those days I can tell already. Dianne left early very early to get to St. Mark's emergency room with chest pains that she'd been having on our the past couple of days. They became so significant last night that she felt she needed to go in And have things checked out.

The past couple of days I've been so involved in getting another wheelchair or power chair and just getting around in the manual chair that I have that I have neglected to check by phone very much. When I did check the calls I did find a call for Marcy about meeting me to do a video shot for the board of directors. Normally this would not be an issue or problem because I just jump in my power chair and take off well, that's not available now plus Dianne has the wheelchair van with her at the hospital. So I got authorization from Marcy to get some sort of private carrier to pick me up and take me into Utah nonprofit housing Corporation where the filming will be done. Of course Utah nonprofit will pick up the cost of the ride… I hope. I'm hoping all this will come off without a hitch and so far it has.

Yesterday Dianne and I spent the day together running errands for me. Again, I am in my manual chair and I do not have what I need to push long distances nor do I feel I even have the strength to do so if I had my gloves I would certainly give it a try. So Dianne is driving me around most of my appointments. We skipped assist Inc. and made the physical therapy appointment which turned out all right. I was somewhat relieved to find my physical therapist having the same are some of the same feelings as I regarding this manual wheelchair. The only thing in its favor currently is the fact it's got a brand-new fairly dense cushion which is been great a my butt. Everything else about the chair is a challenge. And part of that challenge is for me getting back into manual mode and I have not been there for a long time. We did stop at Utah Center Assistive Technology and there we dropped off my faithful old 6000 Z and actually bought a fairly new used 6000 Z, however we will not be able to really take ownership until hopefully, this weekend. And it was an outright purchase 250 bucks which is really a deal. I hope to use this chair until the new chair arrives mid-June. I know, it seems a little overkill but I will least then have two chairs that I can use exercising my backup option.

So, here I sit basically killing time until Ute cab shows up to take me to my interview. I'm a little nervous, not from the interview, But I find it a few minutes ago it could be by imagination but it smelled like diarrhea and that can never end good

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