Monday, May 04, 2015

So Much To Do

Monday morning kind of early just passed my o'clock. I'm up and dressed I'm ready for the day. It's a beautiful day sunshine this morning going to cloudy with highs in the 70s. I feel there's a number of tasks I really need to get going but I just cannot take the first step. Maybe first and foremost is getting my power chair over to Utah Center for Assistive Technology, software they will work on my power chair almost free of charge. Trouble is how to get by chair over there and secondly what I use for a chair while my power chair is be prepared? Traditionally I would go to Independent Living and borrowers or power chairs that takes so much energy – – but the deal of having an almost chair for little or nothing is mind-boggling. I've got to figure out how to make these arrangements. Just too difficult. Next, I need to sit down Dianne and sales guy from Alpine medical Inc. over the last piece of the order for the power chair that is to make sure over what we are ordering is exactly what I wanted. These guys of course her gun shy now of me” think that I made with the manual chair, which has never had rectified. I'm just getting nervous just thinking about all this crap. The last thing I need to do is find somebody who can work our will work on the ramp of a house where it's getting spongy. These are all things I need to get the these are all things that bare directly on me and how I live in this house.

I guess the recent dry get my feet on the chair is because I'll be getting a new chair fairly soon, as soon as I finish the order it is still going to take 4 to 6 weeks. So I need to get these two done first, for the ramp is spongy it's doable it's survivable. Then, if we find someone who can do the ramp and they do the ramp and it's good then we need to have them look at the deck because that needs shoring up too. Once we get the wood products the and sturdy finished better painting the ramp at the deck is also a handful maybe something I can be something more a part of.

Along the lines of home maintenance, we stumbled upon a family operation goes around mowing lawns. They motor alone ones and then through some poor communication they thought they were down and we thought they would become in the long run a weekly biweekly basis,Anyway that did not happen and by Friday afternoon we had the longest grass in the neighborhood. I need to be driven by such petty things and trying to keep up with the neighbors ,but I'm still Stinging from last year when my neighbor across the street sent over a crew of lawn keepers to do are long because we were not doing it ourselves. I know the neighbor did this in the spirit of kindness but I still read the under tow of the message. So I was getting nervous last week as the grass continue to reach skyward. So, we contacted Alex the brother of this family operation who indicated they would be happy to come over and cut the yard and then we contracted more or less with them have this done for the remainder of the summer. Alex is very good about the whole thing even threw in last Friday's lawn mow for free. So at least we have one thing done night I got my ass finish the rest.

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