Wednesday, August 05, 2015


The got this email is my notification meeting with UTA Paratransit mobility service people to ascertain If I disabled enough to ride the Paratransit service.You all might remember from my rants in the past but I am not a big fan of paratransit – – in fact I aggressively fought paratransit any old days of accessible transit history. Without going into a huge history lesson let's just say paratransit is not good for people disabilities and other living things. However, good or bad paratransit won out. Actually I was naïve enough in those days to believe we could make a difference. Paratransit was a national movement as far as national transit goes it was, and whether we liked it or not.

Now 30 some years later I am using regular transit, fixe route transit Almost daily. It costs me $1.25 each ride, and that's if the driver insists I ride for nothing This does not happen as much as it used to but still happens. Many times I have to insist that I pay my fare To get my transfer, that small slip of paper that lets me ride the bus/Train free for two houhis is important especially on tracks Where the Traxx cops will actually find Big bucks if you don't have proof of purchase. I do not mind shelling out the $1.25 it is just a hassle. I really didn't have to deal with this issue too much when I worked for the state because we got a free pass through the state. I just had to show my ID that was good enough.. Now however in retirement that is not the case. I've known for some time that if I become part of the flex transfamily I could ride the mainline service without charge. So I have been trying to pass couple of weeks to get certified, yes certified to ride the service. The process is as draconian as paratransit is itself. You have to start by filling out a bunch of paperwork – which is okay I can accept that readily – then you have to get the doctors documentation of disability and then you have to go in front of a board which actually mandates you go through a obstacle course and then discussion on why you cannot ride the mainline service or fixed route all the time. It's stupid!I've tried to do this a couple of times each time I've tried I have finally given up the desperation just too many I s to DotAnd T's to cross.

Well I finally got my thought was the paperwork I needed done and I went to the UTA Paratransit Mobility Center to submit my paperwork. They scheduled me for an appointment later on August and I thought I was done. The paperwork I brought with me which of the document signed by my physician and other stuff they said I did not need. So I better go. Then I got the document in the mail which says I am going to need stuff, signed by my doc. I do not know if I even have the materials anymore which means I'll have to start from step one in order to get this project accomplished. It really is enough for me to throw my hands up in the air and say screw it I don't need the stress. I'm happy with just shelling out The $1.2 for each ride. So it's back to my doctor's office – – which I hate to do getting everything back in order again. This guy be a better way to ride public transit.

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