Wednesday, January 09, 2019

3:30 AM Please

Seriously it's not like I was in a deep sleep, I don't think I rarely am in a deep sleep but this morning at 3:30 AM I hear the ping sound on my cell phone, which I keep next to my self in bed, of Messenger indicating that someone wishes to text with me. If I am awake, more so than I was this morning, I usually have no problem taking the call and being civilized. In fact with the current friendship that I have with my friend in the Netherlands this often happens. I get a ping around 330 in the morning which is midmorning early afternoon in Nijmegen And she wants to visit for a bit. I usually have no problem we talked for a few minutes and I go back to sleep. I was somewhat shocked this morning however thinking it was going to be Elske and in fact it was my ex-brother-in-law John.

I like John, John is a pretty solid individual, ex-military, focused and professional oh yes and born-again Christian very born-again Christian which as a rule I shy away from however since for 20 some years John is married to my wife's sister to send relatively (excuse the pun) close contact. Since the divorce we've kept in nominal contact mostly through Facebook. It's not like we have heart-to-heart texting sessions at all. So, to my surprise it was some sort of scriptural reference which is the last thing I want to see a 3:30 AM. Still, I kind of figured that this was not meant specifically for me. I sort of thought that perhaps he did one of those “mail outs” that goes to everybody on his friend list are relative list of whatever he's got. So to stay within the realms those disability at 3:30 AM I just responded with a comment “tooooooo early” and turned over and and hoped I still had enough sleep inertia the slide me back into unconsciousness when immediately I got another “ping” with a obvious comment directed at me indicating “it's never too early to make sure your salvation” that was enough all of a sudden I was pissed off and all I can think of was putting an end to this then you have texting. I knew it'd wake me up to a point of possibly not getting back to sleep but then I didn't care. I actually looked up the process of “unfriending” a person on your friend list and I did just that. I wasn't sure what happened when one did that, unfriended somebody what I was able to notice before falling back into my pillow was that when you extinguish a friendship it takes off all of the previous texting sessions and who knows what else which is okay by me. I was quite surprised that is able to in a minute or so fall back to sleep for an hour or so which helped me through the rest of the day.

As I said I don't know what kind of repercussions I am going to have from this event. I doubt there will be any actually since I'm no longer “married” to the rest of the family. I have always thought John an interesting fellow one that I've enjoyed having in my satellite contacts in my life. John's has always been mysterious to me In his world travels and dealings. He settled down now living a quiet life North Carolina in the backwoods leaving a small quiet life proclaiming the truth and manifesting his righteousness. Hang in there John their glory awaits you.

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