Saturday, January 26, 2019

So Much Bread…

I don't know what wakes me up so early in the mornings lately – – I kind of think I'm excited which really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But today was another 3 AM wake-up. With a little bit of struggle I was able to grab another hours sleep before roused again by the excitement of my coming day. The weird part is that even though I'm not getting all that much sleep I'm not feeling too overly drug out the following day.

Today, I had a disaster preparedness training to attend offered by the local United Way 211 group. If you go back in my blogs far enough you'll note that I finished up my career working as an operator for 211 information and referral. And even though I worked at 211 for a relatively short time I made some great relationships that have just grown stronger over the years. It's really great every time I show up at a 211 function I am welcomed back like the prodigal son. What's kind of funny is that it's the operators more than the professional folks that are glad to see me. I don't know if it's by design or perhaps phone operators have inherently of been female. In my pod or group I was the only male and was greatly taking care of by my fellow operators. I don't know how healthy this is as far as my independence goes but it was nice being doted over from time to time. For example, for one reason or another it was very difficult getting in the building. I knew this was going to be the case from other times I've tried to get in the building on my own. I even called yesterday to make sure that contingencies were in line in case I couldn't get in the point I'm making is that when I did get into the building today I was cold I've been out in the elements for some time coming over from the bus stop. So immediately two of the operators descended on me and peel my jacket off make sure my lap blanket was tied in secured. They got me something hot to drink and settled in for the training. You would've thought I was the emergency.

The training was okay pretty short started 930 and ended at 12:30 PM in a got the impression that it was one of those things, a training are something that's written in the grant somewhere that X amount of hours have to be spent training, because most of the time was spent in trying to figure out if there was a major emergency or disaster how we as to what one operators led sign in to the computer software we use the document our actions. The whole training was around documentation i.e. if you are going to get paid you have to show that you did the time. We are being trained to make sure we added the right information to the system whether we were in putting via a laptop, tablet of some sort or cell phone. It was vital that we log our information correctly so that when disaster checks are cut 211 gets all that is due – – I know that's crass but sometimes I get the feeling, just saying. So we had fruit and bagels for “break food”. Pieces of apple and those little bitty oranges that are so cute to eat. Then there was pizza for lunch. I hate to say it but was not my favorite pizza if you're going to have pizza. Sort of weird when you think about it if we were all adolescents or even college kids pizza works but now that we operators are getting older pizza just doesn't do it like it used to. For me it's too much bread and calories. Go do that Ms. Will have a good sandwich and I can't believe I'm saying that's I love pizza. But pizza that was I hate myself clear had two pieces will actually a piece of half. I probably would've enjoyed cutting off the pizza and just eating the crust just nice and chewy.

I kind of hated to leave that things were definitely winding down in my crew was put in things away when I said goodbye and made overtones about everyone getting together later on in spring and having lunch at our favorite joint not far from the building. They all seemed excited for the option is just hope that it carries… Like the trainer said we gotta be ready not for if the disaster comes but when. I just want to have lunch with these folks before that “when” arrives…

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