Friday, January 25, 2019

Cooking Friday

I cooked today I don't know what it is about me in cooking but I sure like to roll up my sleeves and go to the whole process. I finished that pile of beans I made a couple weeks ago. I use beans that I reconstituted as well as a couple of cans I had in the closet/pantry. I threw in some vegetables and a few other things and actually the thing turned out pretty good I ate the whole batch took me couple weeks almost a month that was the plan wasn't it? So today I figured why not revisit the project but this time with more commitment and focus. The first time, a couple weeks ago, I just trying to see if I could do cook a pot of beans. But the day one ad some finesse and really it really makes something sort of tasty.

I didn't really want to drag out the long-term cooker slow cooker just seemed like to overwhelming a task but I want something that could cook the beans for a long time so I used one of my new pots. Today was food box day – – up until just the last couple months I would make a point to show up at food box day and assist are try to assist anybody who wanted help moving the box. I was quite surprised all these old ladies did not want any help. And look like the only reason I was going then was the scalp any “throwbacks” the seniors might have. Throwbacks are those things in their box they don't want usually boxes of milk, juice can vegetables I'll manage of dehydrated products. But that doesn't seem to be happening much anymore besides that it will look like the scavenger circling waiting for people to discard so I have been going but I did – down to see if there are any beans are cans of beans.

I cut the top off the aluminum pouch the beef stew came in. I squeeze the pouch into the saucepan. I found a can of pork and beans and a can of vegetarian beans both of which I opened and through into the strainer and hosed off the tomato juice. There is quite a bit of stew which kind of engulfed the beings but still I put the heat on did some stirring stirred the beans into this the stew which resulted in a mess I was pretty thick so I added some water. The heat's stirred up the stew/soup little bit but I still wanted more. I had a number of odds and ends of ham that I had left over from the ham from Christmas which I cut up and froze. I chopped it up and threw it in adding the steak I cooked last night I also found an onion some garlic toes which had escaped the steak I cooked last week and some jalapeno peppers with the carrot garnish from my can of pickled peppers that I applied heat. I really have not used the trivet Dianne gave me and we split that saves the pan from burning but allows you to keep the heat on all day if you need to. I even threw in a couple of dried red beans added some more water let them cook all day this cannot pretty good. I had some for dinner and it should be just fine. I am letting the mess cool. I washed dishes and have a new container that I'm going to fill with beans and soup and freeze. What is left over out use for food for the next week as I can. And trying to use more and more of the food I get from the food bank cycle it and not reported as I have been specially the frozen pieces. I had two steaks this week. I make each piece of meat last at least for two meals sometimes more as in the days use of leftovers in the stewpot. Like I said, aside from going across the street to the market I stayed in all day in focused on making meals for next week and I was pretty happy doing that

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