Saturday, January 05, 2019

Bonnie I Need You


I've talked about this before but when I worked with the state I actually produced by called a broadcast a couple times a month. I guess today they might be called podcasts or video casts since podcasts are usually just verbal and videocast is a video rendering I imagine. I had the broadcast. I found this software online that would let you turn your computer into a streaming system. Didn't matter for what reason you could just have your own little program that's what I did. I developed about a half an hour show called Access Utah Now. Like I said it is a couple broadcasts a month sometimes more if I was lucky. The gist of the program is simple I would do an interview with Executive Director or manager of a private nonprofit which served folks with disabilities. Like I said the children about half an hour and I had all of the episodes catalogued and stored her people could access them online. I was totally impressed with the amount of support I got from managers and executive directors throughout the state. However, I figured it would be this way egos being egos. I like the idea of doing the broadcast on a Friday afternoon because after the broadcast thousand three much it for the day not a whole lot more got done.

I sort of got into this project because for one reason or another might call volume dropped. In order to keep us busy I did the broadcasts. I managed to get my hands on a extra laptop which was hanging around the office assistant that no one else was using. I would use the camera built into the laptop. Before I lost my second operator (I was the first) Tory I used my operator is my camera technician. She started the broadcast cued me when it was time to begin then came in and wound us up at the end of the session. When Tory left I was still totally involved with the broadcasts and I was able to get our executive secretary Bonnie take over that position. Bonnie was great and Bonnie is great. She was major no-nonsense. A woman of few words a woman who just wanted to get things done to be bothered as little as possible – – I loved Bonnie. She always saw right through me. I could never pull a fast one off on her.

I cannot believe I lost all the broadcasts that I did when I left the state. I think I was so flummoxed that the streaming platform and the catalog of productions just fell off my radar entirely. I think had tried to back them up once or twice and I thought they were backed up by the state server but I've yet to find them. I have only one 30 minute production of the interview with director of Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. It's pretty basic not that I got ever really professional but it gives you an idea of how it was. I've been trying to get a hold of Bonnie today to see if she remembers the password to get on our account with USTREAM.TV. I'm not sure but I think this organization has moved on been sold to somebody else is just the name of what used to be. I doubt they have saved any of our productions but still the check I also got check with the state again I don't know there was saved anything like this. I'd really like to get Bonnie back but that's not going to happen. Should certainly be a good ramrod. I assume you know that I'm talking about the new project I'm thinking about interviewing the residents here at Plymouth View. Worst-case scenario I'll just have to develop a new account which I probably should do anyway and until I can get someone to donate new equipment are good equipment I will use the laptop that I bought from Mark Anthony, seems to work okay for something like this. Either way feels like I'm getting back in the business the kind of feels good……

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