Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Press Conference

My assist meeting was canceled today which is kind of a drag since I plan to be downtown anyway it's always better to have two reasons to be downtown than just one but still I was to be at the library at 12 o'clock and I decided I would be there. Today was a DRAC press conference and it seems like fairly easy duty. I just need to show up I would not have any responsibilities as far as testimony are presenting to the assembled “masses”. It was a DRAC operation plain and simple which might've been the reason that no press showed up to the press conference. This is really kind of sad but still Jerry Costly soldiered forth in me went ahead and opened our humble gathering later joining a national broadcast of the ADAPT DIA event. DIA (Disability Integration Act) is going to be a major focus for local adapt/DRAC. And truly it is a noble cause as far as keeping people on long-term care facilities and saving some money in the process. Like so many things the concept of DIA make sense in its unbelievable that power doesn't recognize this was just the way that is.

The days continue to be chilly and quite frankly I would not be going out I did not have to. I'm pleased however, that the scratch in my throat that's been keeping me in so far has not been affected by my outing today which is grand. I considered very long pants today but in the end the defaulted to shorts and the black flannel blanket that I've taken to wear over my legs during the cold spell. I'm continually impressed at how well the blanket helps keep my legs warm. Public transit was kind today, I got to most of my points of bus/train transit with little time to wait. The most I did wait was on the trip home waiting for the 217. I saw the bus pass just as I was heading towards the bus stop from my drop off point off the 54. The wait was not too bad. I found the weight is always better than having to drive my chair all the way back from the graveyard for the 47 drops me off even when the driver does a courtesy stop in front of the village inn the ride to the apartments is still long and so cases painful for the 217 drops me off at my back door.

The press conference turned out to be a lot longer than I anticipated, not that that's a bad thing, the televised thing from the ADAPT action got old real quick. They had a lot of their heavy hitters doing presentations which can a wore me out towards the end. I suppose it is the cynic in me that refuses to bask in the false light of artificial hype (is that redundant?). However I am behind the overall concept of DIA and I will be part and player to bring to pass anything which will or might ensure my independence for as long as possible… My bad?

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