Saturday, January 14, 2023

Library or Candy Or A little Of Both


It's Saturday night and I just realized I did not take the time to go over to the market gets thicker bars for my staff on Monday. Monday is Lissy and she really likes her Snicker bar. I usually buy them in the sixpacks but I ran out a couple weeks ago and have yet to find the regular sized bars offered in the 6 pack options. Therefore I've been purchasing them 2 PM or 3 a time and for whatever reason I ran out |of the candy bar last week since I don't like to purchase anything on Sunday don't have to and I wasn't going to it over to the market on this dark and chilly evening I decided to just beam up to the 2nd floor were the candy machine resides in for a dollar and a half I am covered for Monday. This is such a great candy machine and I forget that it's up there along with its burly brother the soda machine. Anytime day or night whether it's snowing, freezing, driving rain or horrid heat I can get my sugar fix right here! But even better than this is the fact that our library also resides on the 2nd floor right next to the “Candy shop”.

I can see now I want to write about this library so long to repeat myself I will go on further regarding the candy machine. Not only does this thing have candy bars like Snickers it also has hard candy like lifesavers of course, gum and 3 or 4 kinds of bakery goods everything from cinnamon rolls to a sixpack of Oreos just enough to get into a couple coffee or glass of cold milk. There's also the ever ready back to chips barbecue, regular,cheese crutchesbut even pretzels. Everything is less than $2 like I said anything to get you through the night. The only problem is that this kind of clunky candy machine. Built for able-bodied individuals. If I'm going to use the machine by myself I must use the elevator function of my chair and raceways of up to be able to slip the dollar or the orders or whatever denomination of change I have into the various slots. Then I have to punch the code keysin this case E4 will start a little motors that turn spiral which holds the candy bar to the end and drops it all away down to the bottom of the machine where there is a covered tray that one must push their hand through to capture their sugary treat. In many ways this last step of the candy challenge is the most difficult for me. I always have to make sure that I have one my hooks. I have not done this a lot so it takes quite a bit of effort to try to pull the candy bar out with the hook but I have done it. The best solution of course is to have an able-bodied person who could just reach down and grabbed the treat. Fortunately for me the past 2 weeks what it had to do this maneuver my good friend Ruby has been in the room working on a jigsaw puzzle. She goes to some Catholic mass every Saturday night then comes home works on a puzzle or so and then reads. I do not envy her life will certainly glad she's there for me on Saturday night to help me conquer the candy machine…

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