Tuesday, January 31, 2023

White Coat Popsicle


Been a long and cold day but it has been a good day. To be honest with you I felt a bit intimidated about all the talk about how cold it was going to be today the fact that it may not even get above 0 temperature wise and for some reason that play the number on my mind/brain. In the old days nothing never stopped me cold wise was it was snow that couldn't get through. Something like temperature you can always wear something more. When I called this morning to see if they were indeed going to have an assist meeting house, hoping they were not but Andreas indicated that in fact we would be having a meeting and he was looking forward to seeing me. I gulped, but a smile on my face and agreed that I would be there by 11 AM.

I spent the morning basically getting ready for my trip to the bus stop then onto the train. I decided to wear to blankets over my legs and were my great whitecoat which is this giant downfield jacket that I had for a number of years. Dianne got it for me Alberich a 30 years ago. It was on sale at Burlington Coat Factory just up the street from our home there in Murray. I think it was basically a gangster coat that the big old rappers wore and they couldn't sell it here in Salt Lake the didn't have a big enough rapper. However, the thing is superheavy and super warm. When I wear it I feel like I'm in a cocoon. I tried to find gloves can't believe I don't have bunches of gloves kicking around. I used to but not anymoreluckily both sleeves on the great white jacket are so long that I can conveniently drag the end over my hand as I drive the power chair where ever I go. The only problem with the great white coat is effective the great white coat is got very very dirty over the years. I think the next couple of days I'm going to go down stuff it into the large washing machine and run it through a cycle and see what it does. This morning I made all my connections pretty well and got to the area of my meeting about 45 minutes early so I had time to kill my went up to the 711 just on the block from the office and got a coffee but these guys never have stoppers for the coffee tops/lids and so I try to drive gently but it's difficult to do when it's freezing cold outside. The coffee sloshed over parts of my jacket making the garment look even worse still small price to pay for the warmeth the jacket renders.

By the time I was finished with my assistant meeting, and signed the 15 documents for today the sun was out and totally and brilliant and even though the temperature was still not even freezing it felt warmer with the direct sunlight. All I want to do was get home and sit by my heater for the rest of the day that is of course after I finish my workout on the bike. I stopped at the market on the way home was getting low on fruit especially bananas and grapes. While I was there I picked up a lunch mashed potatoes and gravy, chicken fingers in these cheese tater tot popovers things – – all that for less than 5 bucks which is a deal when you're out on the tarmac. They just a little impact the rest home as difficult as that was.

Silly me, I almost wet the other folks i.e. TV weather people and people who think it's cold outside dictate to me whether or not I do my job or not. I'm glad I chose to face the cold do my job and get back is the way it's supposed to go…

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