Saturday, June 01, 2024

Tractor dinosaurs an a bag of chips!

 It's a brand new month! I actually had to go to the calendar on my tablet to make sure. I could have sworn it was the second day of June but no it's the first or it's still the first seems like a long day. I really didn't do that much but that's okay felt like I got something done even though really, I only went to the market and got a few incidentals which cost like 40 plus dollars dash dash I can't get out of the market anymore with less than 40 bucks. Talk about useless food party size bag of Ruffles along with pre-made chip dip, six pack of Cherry Pepsi, chicken legs from the deli and a few other things just amazing is this inflation? Or just greed on the part of the vendors? Fortunately, I can afford it since I budget shopping as part of my social ization. Since I haven't been going to the movies for some time as well as any other form of integration into the social media. Shopping is just about it. The days are almost hot now. I spent a good part of the afternoon outside reading migrating from the Sun to the overhang when it started sprinkling a little bit but that didn't last long, back to the sun again later on. I'm enjoying my new Stephen King it's keeping my interest trying to read or finish a whole story at a time since it's nothing but short stories and I seem to be making pretty good progress on the volume overall. I'd better get on Thrifty books or some other book vendor to make sure I have something to read during the 4th of July holiday. I think I'll be done with this current volume before then.

The tractor dinosaurs continue to rip and Claw the trees out of the ground I noticed this morning. They didn't seem as aggressive as they were yesterday but there are still definitely cleansing the ground. Still quite sad to see I guess however I'm getting used to it the Park rape is not bothering me as much as it did at first. I had coffee this morning with my good friend Janet who pretty much echoed the same response. We are both upset with the loss of the park as we know it but the same time beginning to look forward to what might be as the new Park begins to take shape. I still think it will take a year at least before they get finished with what they're proposing. There are patches of the park however that are still available for use which I didn't really notice yesterday as I was ranting about the loss of the picnic areas. I guess the chain link fence which is now surrounds the park it's not impenetrable since the skateboard park was included inside the chain link perimeter but I noticed the local skaters still out and using the concrete facility. So obviously they're either scaling the fence or found another way to get into the skateboard park. Not much else is happening just hanging out- - I tried to watch Guardians of the Galaxy tonight but just couldn't get into it I felt better updating my blog…

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