Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Old Friends

I had a presentation this morning at American Family Insurance(AFI) am and the office I presented at was way south and it made sense that I leave straight from my house rather then go all the way into to the office then have to backtrack to the South end. So I drove my van to AFI. AFI actually prepared a great breakfast and I came off pretty good. I was surprised. But my presentation to the AFI folk is not what today’s post is about. Today I writing Jose and Deloris.

Thirty four or thirty five years ago.

I have written about my pal Jose before :the Mad Mexican Christian. We worked together in a free medical clinic more then 30 years ago. I was pleasantly surprised when my cell phone rang this morning shortly after I returned from doing my South valley presentation was In price Utah and was headed

North and looked like he would be in town about lunch time and wanted to know if we could do lunch. Any time with Jose is good time so I said “sure”.

Jose has family in Texas Idaho and am learning that Jose makes the trip a coupe of times a year and his travels are bringing Christian right through Salt Lake and we are getting to know each other all over again.
We are essentially different people now then we were nearly forty years ago. Deloris too, I think I am getting to know really for the first time now.. Before Deloris was Jose’s wife, someone what was there when we swung by Jose’s house to pick him up for work. Deloris worked for Human services and was always just leaving or already gone by the time we got to their house. People shrink as they age. I had heard this but was not really aware as to how much they shrunk until I saw Jose a couple of Months ago. Jose must have lost at least two inches. Deloris I noticed today has also shrunk by a couple of inches.

I think it is always so interesting to get that third person’s perspective. Deloris rounds us out with her memories- her memories are softer, Deloris remembers a depth to out our shared history. Deloris remembers the human side of our history that side which can be repeated a history of which we can proud.

We ate at JBs, Deloris wanted meatloaf and Jose wanted to keep Deloris happy. I wanted somewhere which was close to my office in case I had to roll. But I was able to talk Jose into driving my van and JB’s is actually right round the corner from where I work. We ate for an hour remembering our past and making memories for even further down the line. I am sensing and sensing deeply there reason for us to be coming together now, at this time of our lives. I am sensing we have something yet to do; at least one more adventure together. The adventure may even include Mack, part of the original CMAT.

1 comment:

riptideselkie said...

Hola Dad,
Just lil ole me,
Saw you had a worried comment on my blog and thought i'd drop a hello. All is good. Sometimes I see things around me that cause inspiration. That particular poem was about a little girl at the mall I saw one night at work and was just all amazed at how important this specific toy, that was now all in little pieces, was to her. I think maybe we make up entire little worlds in our toys, least seems I did when I was a kid. Anyhow, yup, otherwise life is good. Almost done with my second job! Hurray! No more being in the mall! Lol that will be a day to celebrate indeed. Alright, Love ya!