Thursday, February 16, 2023

Of Merit or Value


I've started season 2 of the X-Files. I wasn't going to do it but I thought I got sucked into it. I'm kind of fascinated that they dealt a lot more with UFOs extraterrestrials and such much more than I initially remembered. By the 4th episode or 5th episode I can remember Scully getting abducted herself and then it seems she gets impregnated. So parts of that season or coming back. The whole 1st season was like I'd never seen the show before really interesting. A kind of wonder what would happen if if they started a new X-Files series. I bet it would be great special with all the weird stuff happening these days were certainly ripe for such a piece of entertainment.

I actually slept pretty good which was kind of surprising. It was coffee social today and it was kind of weird not only are we still dealing with the recent passing of one of our mainstays Billie but also with the reassignment of Rochelle who is sort of the on-base social worker type for the operation. Something weird because she's been reassigned like she's done something wrong and nobody will tell her what's happening typical private nonprofit work scenarios. I wish there is more I could do to assist this young person. Rochelle really has a lot of potential hate to see her get embittered and callous towards the whole Counselor– client relationship thing.

Later on in the afternoon I had to attend a zoom meeting. It was a Board of Directors meeting for the place like where I live. I've talked about this before but I don't remember if I've talked about my annoyance of the fact that management really seems to like the zoom concept. I understood zooming during the pandemic but I thought we did so to get back to normality once things quieted down – – which they have. I really should be still about this whole thing because attending a Board of Directors meeting from your own bedroom and cold and stormy days or days for the subfreezing should be desirous but I would much rather saddle up and head in to the office. Not only because the meetings make more sense but the director always has a good spread of cold cuts and fruit and vegetables. I do not deem myself very valuable on his board their hold meetings that I go in barely say anything except “hello” when everybody's checking in and I make sure that is 2nd a lot of the motions that come before the board almost as if to make sure that one realizes I'm there. I don't engage as much as some of the other folks do like the bankers are contractors or builders or whoever else is on the board. But I am there visible person for disability and senior on the board. There are a couple other individuals similar to my situation but not as pronounced. You can shortly say a lot with the power chair. Anyway, the meeting was relatively good relatively quick and I did not have to get supercold so I guess it was a win-win and I still felt relatively good for having done something of merit/value today.

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