Thursday, May 04, 2023

A Little Red and Little Green


I was going to spend time writing about the new resident here at the apartment complex who basically rubs me the wrong way I don't know how I'm going to deal with her being here on just have to roll with it and see what happens. So rather then spending good creative time on dissing somebody maybe I'll just get on with it to let everyone have a chance.

I couldn't stand it any longer. I don't know if I remember talking about the arm of my chair has stopped locking so every time I pull up on my chair arm to right myself I can't really do that because arm comes loose. This is especially significant when I dress because I use my arm to continue to pull myself up to the sitting position. I'm sure the long-term reader knows that I'm quadriplegic therefore no is hardly any stomach muscles so I'm at the whim of gravity sitting in my chair. If I don't have the right sitting options I tend to just list over to my right side meaning I have to pull myself up to sitting position with my left arm. It's okay for an hour or so but for days on end with no end in sight I become exhausted. Amazing how much energy I spend pull myself up to a sitting position. It's not so bad when the arm locks and I have something to resist when pulling myself up all day is total exhausted . So following coffee this morning I throw my shoes headed back into the city back to good old UCAT and the used equipment area the back who has a really great technician. Sometimes I become quite concerned that I'm overworking these guys but they always seem to welcome me each time I rolled into their backdoor. We spent about 15 minutes diagnosing the problem that I begged to see if there is another arm that might be able to replace the malfunctioning piece. I plan to contact my durable medical provider to see if I get the part needed put the old piece back together again. Sure enough Mr. Remund was able to remove my arm and put another functional piece in its place the bag up the remains and send me on my way. This is such a functional fix I may leave it but I said I would contact my provider and see if I can get the other thing going so I'm just using this arms alone right now we'll see what happens. I was worried the day was going to be cold since I've gotten used to the 80° temperatures and today it's going to work hard just to get up in the 70s but it was quite nice outside as I was traveling. Lots of wind and many dark clouds and possible threats of under but lots of blue intermingled with the sky. A typical spring day I guess. There is certainly chances of getting caught in the thunder shower but luckily nothing happened to me on my travels. Soon, I was home start my daily routine much later than usual but still be able to listen to my radio show and put my arm bike – – luckily I'm on the half an hour rides now having reached 200 minutes for the week. As they say everything now is gravy. Which reminds me I took a stake out right before I started this post hopefully it will be thought out enough to cook for dinner. It's a T-bone steak I've had in my freezer for a number of months and I got it from the dead food section of the market. The really need to put some protein and myself and the day with the cloudy inclement and windy weather I figure what a better time for a T-bone steak and a baked potato and maybe, just maybe something green…

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