Thursday, May 25, 2023



I'm exhausted I don't know if it's the fact that I woke about 3 AM this morning and never really got back to sleep or the fact that I rolled up the restaurant for a lunch with my fellow writers at the local restaurant. It's not a long roll about a block but I have a irritation/possible wound on my butt but I think wears me out a little bit only from the sensitivity but the stress of just worried about what would happen should will get worse. I'm trying to keep on top of the situation having my home health person look at the wound every meeting which is 3 days a week. Plus, I spent a lot of the time when I can lying back in my chair taking the weight off of my rear end. I know some of my dedicated readers think I'm probably too focused on this but I can assure you that having to lose a summer who knows how long and recovery of all severe wound is worth laying back in a power chair. I could lie back in bed for the same issue is just not the same as being up and out in the open air summer.

I type about being exhausted but I think I'm about in the same position of many of the other folks not only here at the apartment complex I live in but just in general. Folks my age have a difficult time sleeping. From what I understand there's quite a population which wander the halls at night here at the apartment complex doing exercise type walking just because they can't get to sleep. So I should be thankful that I don't have that kind of issue. I also think one of the problems I'm having sleep wises to do with the fact that I continue to be excited about life. Last evening after the news over and over to the market or the dollar store and picked up 2 or 3 packs of cookies for today's coffee social. This is really the least expensive alternative for treats besides the coffee. Three packages of cookies costs less than $5 and there always seems to have leftovers and no one complains that's a good deal to me. I always take a couple cookies home with me to have during evening television viewing. Even though I'm tired I choose not to go to bed early because if I did go to bed early I'd be up way too early. As it is now I feel blessed if I can sleep and till 6 AM. I try to be a bed at least by 11 PM having started getting ready around 10 PM. I can't figure out why it takes me so long to go through the whole process. Today I've remade the bed and will turn the blankets down before late night just so I'll be ready. But the time I floss brush my teeth and gargle invariably it's pushing 11 PM. Then affirm very lucky I can read for an hour or so, finally turn the lights off around 12 AM. I'm sure there's other alternatives I can take that would probably make me less exhausted but I get by and perhaps that's all matters

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