Thursday, May 26, 2005

Am I being paranoid


Something really weird happened the other day. I am trying to filter out how much is coincidence and how much is actual and how much is me becoming paranoid. You might remember my May 16th entry BOA Sucks! My little account issue with Bank of America. I don’t know many of you know or use the “Site Meter”. I have the site meter on my blog. I recently moved the “Site Meter” icon right under the “Archives” list. Any way you can “click” on the meter icon and it will give you access to a host of information about the blog, who is on, how long people are on even where the viewers are coming from. I average about five views a day. That’s good for me but nothing like Dr Au’s who get thousands of hits a week-she has a great website. Anyway one of the selections on the “Site Meter” is “Recent Visitors”. This gives the domain name from where the visitor originated ie.: Comcast, AOL etc. But, I noticed with a chill that I had a visit from a domain named Bank of America!!!! I cannot believe this is just coincidence! I have fantasized that the major corps have small search engines like spiders which scour the Net 24/7 when one of these spiders encounters an item the beast is program for it reports the incidence back to the mother ship. In this case it is Bank of America. I am sure it’s nothing but if I happen to have accident or come up missing you’ll know where to look.

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