Thursday, May 05, 2005


By Cassandra Barney/I love this image--I chose to use it for today's inmage even though the image has nothing to do with blog content.

I hate to be to petty but I get a three day weekend starting tonight after my monthly meeting with the Russians( see blog entry re; Sister City programs). From the email I received the meeting will have a visiting speaker from the Sister City and that should be all, but with the time I worked Saturday and two hours this week I missed due to ill staff and the Russians I have 8 hour so no Meadowlark into tomorrow. Petty, in that I am actually excited to have the time off; I have a lot of stuff to do, but it is not work stuff. I have not mentioned this before nut I was called a couple of weeks ago from someone who wish to place a couple of power wheelchair on the Salesbank. I gave her the whole Low-down about how if they ask too much for the chairs the chairs will languish on the Salesbank. When the caller told me what she had-a Jazzy 1120(nearly new),,,I told her I coveted a machine like that—how my 1120 was about warn out. I let it go. Then Monday I called back by this woman who says if I want the chair I can have it!!! So, I am taking my time to drive out to the place and check out the chair. If the chair is to my liking I will leave my old chair there and use the new chair. TOO COOL. The chair I have is so old that I cannot imagine any chair being worse. I may have to chair over the tires and maybe then “king seat” I have on my current 1120 but that is not too hard. So! If I can get that accomplished tomorrow I will be happy. I might also drive over to Santaquin and see my Mom—she was hospitalized for a short while yesterday with a possible stroke…just a light one. I spoke with her today ad she is home and doing fine.

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