Sunday, May 22, 2005

Why Me?

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We went to bed early last night- a sure sign of the aging process and my place it that process. I love hitting the sack early then getting up early the next day and getting a lot done...actually we seriously cut the cable, just the broadband and basic, basic TV...only thing close to a movie channel is “On Demand” and that is just a couple of movies worth watching. So, with no cable channels, no movie channels there is nothing to stay up for. So, I was in bed by ten. Dianne crashed way early because she was worn out from all the yard work she had done. But up we are this a.m. Early and ready to go.

I found my Windows XP and I committed to “nuking” my PC today so I can load Fire Fox. But,, as is typical for me when I have got everything I need for the job I find I have lost my power source to my PC. I replaced the power source just about 6 months ago. The issue could be something else but the symptoms seem real familiar. Just a big cyclops staring back at be when I push the power button. So, I need to get a final diagnosis then back to COMPUSA for another source. It just never stops!!! I had better get going the day is young.

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