Saturday, December 17, 2005

500 pm and its dark

This guy looks pretty disgusted but taked pretty good.

5:00 pm and it’s dark outside—dark and cold. Just a few more days till
winter solstice and on to spring. I am so excited I can hardly stand myself. Today however, was spent doing things Winter namely Christmas. Dianne and I went to town and shopped. Cold but fun, stopping at the Asian market and the Hispanic market. Great fun, great prices and great people; We also got some ethnic too. I just love going to these places you can get personally with your food, but hunks of meat right off the carcass. I do not do this as much as Dianne does-- the day was truly an adventure. I got my Christmas bonus thanks the Mack—my buddy who lets me do his web page. I did not charge Mack at all this year taking the whole payment at one time. Since I do not work for a private sector organization where Christmas bonus’ exist this counts as a bonus to me. I got the whole thing in cash—almost $1000.00. I plan to spend it all on Christmas and Christmas celebrating. We stopped at Morellias for dinner on the way home and Dave the owner sent us out a couple of treats—just a very nice day.

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