Tuesday, July 14, 2009

For Me?

Its been a slow day and for the most part this afternoon I have been fighting off sleep. I have more then enough to keep me busy but it is just one of those slow Tuesday afternoons—even the phone calls are slow. I think I have had only four the whole day. I could be working on the newsletter or trying to book an interview for the last Thursday in August but nothing seems to click right now. I know I can get all these things done in due time I just cannot get motivated .

I was just on the brink of nodding out when I sensed some commotion up front. The other organize I share office space are conducting a number of job interviews today and the first interviewee got locked in the back of his van. Actually, the driver locked the keys in the van with wheelchair guy locked inside. Luckily its not too hot a day. The van is in the sun and the poor quad inside is definitely on a “slow bake”. The whole office was a scene from the keystone cops. I was running round looking for as hanger—the cops were called who eventually showed up, I did not find a hanger but someone canvassed the apartment building next door and found a seedy little guy who had a great hanger but the cop who showed up was not able to work the hanger to free the quad in the back of the van.
I was getting worried, even cynical me, pets and quads do not do well in closed up vehicles in the sun. I know this has happened to be enough times I can feel his heat.

I mean, really there was nothing on earth that I could do except keep out of peoples way, which I did fairly well. Since Mr Law Enforcement could not do the break-in, and no one really wanted to break any widows—which would have been sort of cool—I mean rally where are our priorities? The group caved and called a lock smith who came out and did the trick and soon our mid afternoon crises was free and still up for his job interview. This was enough activity and adrenalin to wake me up and keep me focused the rest of the afternoon.

I think this crises happened for my benefit…

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