Sunday, August 05, 2012

Farmers Market

The dog days are here now – – it's hot every day even though forecasters call for monsoon weather, the monsoon weather never comes in, each morning the sun rises hot, promising another scorching day. However, hot as it might be I am not yet ready to relinquish the summer, this 61st summer of my life. So yesterday morning I was up bright and early with the express hope of going to the farmers market in Murray. Dianne was also up for the experience so I got the dishes out-of-the-way, dressed and we are on our way. There's a trade-off to going early to something like the farmers market. True you get access to the best and freshest produce early on but you also cannot really dicker with the farmers at this point because they still want the best price possible for their produce. I cannot fault them and I know if I would wait until the end of the day, choices are much less but so are the prices – – the farmers and most likely the farmers kids are hot, tired and want to get out of there as quickly as possible. They would dump their produce and in some cases they do and if you're lucky you can get some really good prices. But you have to wait till the hot bitter end of the day and then getting a good deal is chancy at best.

We got a great place to park just outside the opening to the market. I was amazed, the same people, same trucks the same stalls just as last year and the year before and most likely the year before that. The same kids, the market is sort of like a family reunion. I even noticed that a lot of the attenders were repeats this was easy to ascertain there's this one guy actually a woman who walks around monstrous great Dane. That Dane is a beautiful beast looks hot and bored and wishes he was anywhere then the farmers market. You really can't go now to a farmers market and think you're going to get a great price on produce, know that you're going for the experience, the entertainment in the novelty of acting in a great play of hometown America so convincingly that you really believe you are in a farmers market and that you are really going to get good prices on produce after which you will take home render up into salads, casseroles and feasts as pictured in magazines and coffee-table books about living the good life. So I rolled around and looked at people, there were really some great people there everything from grandma's to bikers and a couple of things I couldn't really identify without a medical examiner. Wish I got images of those folks but I was good and grabbed a couple images of cucumbers and backsides at the Murray farmers market.

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