Monday, August 20, 2012


It’s the 20th of the month, this month is for all intentions gone and when August goes so goes Summer, my most favorite season. Oh the days will continue to be hot and I am sure the drought will continue will in to Fall but something feels over about this summer. Maybe it’s the later sunrises when I take off for work or the bags of fresh produce rendered from neighbors gardens making fresh daily salads possible. My granddaughters are all talking about returning to school this week and I can see the summer boredom in their eyes—actually just Anakah since Anakah is the GD I have most and easiest access. Still I know if I were to see the others I would get this impression that Summer is just too much with us and it is time for change.

This August is quite possibly my last ‘working’ August, I really cannot imagine not working, sleeping in everyday—or just getting enough sleep—having all the time to do what I WANT TO DO or just hanging out. Interesting, I just got a call from a friend/colleague in Logan who is also a quad and who is also battling butt sores and we discussed the idea of having a problem with not working but maybe working less. I am really struggling with the right decision for myself and Gordon has the right idea of continuing to work but work less, and be up in the chair less for less trauma on the butt. So there are always options. I think being up less is the basic answer to all my butt problems I just don’t know if I can relegate my self to bed rest. I can once I commit besides why do I need to be up, in my chair 18-20 hours a day like I am now.

But I felt the change this morning change is in the air, still lots of warm dry weather left but I can definitely a change on the horizon. They started construction on my building this morning which makes entering my building difficult at best and a little dangerous since I used the drive way down to sub building parking , the second time for me and not a problem and I did find out this morning that the construction will be just two weeks before I can start using the front entry again. It seemed OK—part of the change, part of a glorious Fall…

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