Monday, October 20, 2014

Asher Time

Today has been another one of those totally perfect beautiful autumn days. Clear skies, brisk morning to warm temperatures in the afternoon. Today was the kind of day when one just want to get out and do something. Dianne and Bridget had sort of made plans to go out for breakfast which is okay by me. We were up and ready to go by 9:30 AM and met the kids over at the local VI. We had a great breakfast with great company. Following breakfast we returned to the house to hang out for a couple hours. Bridget and Dianne were caught up in conversation leaving Asher and I defend for ourselves which was great just us guys. We went out to the garage and must around the shop for a few minutes. Asher is just now really began to explore things like grandma's house grandpa's shop which I think totally fascinates the little guy. Ash is totally enthralled with the tools in the garage… I am not sure if he has made the leap that tools directly modifies wood but cancel that think he senses that. We briefly viced up a piece of wood and sawed and sanded a few minutes then it was off to explore other parts of the yard. We checked out the garden, grandma's garden and grandpa's's garden and wandered around the backyard for a few minutes.

Next we took off to explore the neighborhood. Asher wants to see everything he often walks behind me and thinks he's pushing my big power chair other times just walks beside. At the neighborhood we often walk and roll in the street. At 10 o'clock in the morning our streets are pretty deserted. We checked out the new neighbors and their dogs and we did the walk around the block. It was fun and a new experience for us. Asher and I have not been that close at our time together is only been since retirement. Think Asher has matured and I have got the time now to spend with little people. I don't know if our time together like this will be a weekly event but it's kind of begin to feel that way and again that's okay with me.

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