Saturday, October 04, 2014

Dragon Lady Dreams

After last week's rain and cold temperatures we've been blessed with I guess, an Indian summer. You know, that parcel of days following summer when for short season good weather returns though not extremely warm warm enough with cool nights inching closer need to do closer to the freezing point when we bid ado to all things summer once and for all I. E. Patio garden that I've doted on all summer long. Today was one of those perfect Indian summer days brilliant sunshine, the leaves holding on by the last of their strength waiting to turn a brilliant color they plan for this year and then let go to drift to the yard. The kind of days exhilarating one pushing in more energy than you realize that you had to do something you do rarely in this case it was heading back to the local farmers market. I'm not sure but I think our local farmers market will endure maybe two or three more weeks at the most into either the third week or fourth week of October.

You may not remember, last week we also went the farmers market but in torrential rains. We got a few items a watermelon and corn but it was a struggle especially for me, I thought it was too cold what to even get out of the van not this week though. It seemed like everybody in her duck going to the farmers market possibly because everyone felt jilted because of last week. They had not got there farmers market fix for the week they were all out there this week. There Cadillacs, trucks, wheelchair vans and bicycles and dogs. Seem like everybody one to get their last debs in the farmers market before it closed their doors one last time. I guess we were no different. In fact the watermelon we got last week was so good I really want another one for this week. Does once they're gone now be gone till next summer. And what's really good about our farmers market is that a family comes up for Green River Utah and green River Utah is supposed to be the best place to grow watermelon in the state if not the Northwest and believe me there watermelons are worth traveling for.

Every year and every week there is a huge trailer from Green River full of all kinds of melons and garden produce and of course watermelons. I think this whole group green River is one large Asian family there the nicest folks. The whole group seems to be ran by a little lady who's older than all the rest. She is quite a salesperson calling people up to as they walk by the truck, slicing into watermelons offering samples everyone she does a great job selling. I think she really knows doing this to the point where I voice been somewhat intimidated by her. She reminds me of a older Lucy Lu hence the name I gave her the Dragon Lady. Dianne makes friends with everyone and I think over the years she is made close relationships with the Dragon Lady and I actually met her for the first time, the Dragon Lady was really surprised how nice she seemed to be. I was trying to get a picture of her secretly, I really don't like posed pictures but Dianne and the Dragon Lady struck up a pose and I took the picture and am happy with the results.

I don't know if we'll make it back to the farmers market for closes for the year. We got one more watermelon, some beautiful banana squashes corn on the cob and some beautiful pears and who knows what else. I'm sur we'll eat the watermelon by next week squashes to take months to eatand I have images of a couple of visits to this year's farmers market hopefully they'll be enough to last us until next summer and hopefully will all meet again in the embrace of the Dragon Lady.

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