Sunday, October 05, 2014

King Happy

Maybe it's because I am a person with a disability that I tend to focus a great deal on disability situations when I see them out and about as I do, or maybe it's because I'm a person with a disability that I do not see myself as a person disability and when I see folks with significant disabilities in the community I still tend to stare probably more than is socially acceptable. And also just maybe, because I'm a person with a disability that I tend to shy away from other forms of disability are people (I do not know) with disabilities because am comfortable with folks disabilities just like everybody else.

So on the day what about the lady with the mental health issues I was confronted on the platform waiting for the train for an individual I ended up calling King Happy. I don't know what King Happy's disability was or is all I know was I did not want to get on the same car as him for a host of reasons perhaps the most socially acceptable would've been or is this only so much space on a tracks vehicle I did not want to have to fight over a place to sit. There's also the fact is appearance more than kind of spooked me. It wasn't the chair, high-end power chair that I could never afford or the fact he was as big as I was at least, and the fact he seemed to have multiple amputations. I think I could've dealt with all these easy enough was the fact he was wearing a crown! Seriously, a crown like you'd get at Burger King, this was what made me moved to the far in the platform from King Happy. No sooner had I relocated that King Happy and his entourage relocated too. I don't know if I looked inviting, safe are accepting that he was going to be by me.. Some things one just has to accept.

The morning was beautiful, a perfect fall morning crisp , clear and inviting I forgot to mention King Happy was toting some kind of sound system more than just a radio or something maybe it was something like speakers to is iPad or whatever he had but to put out beautiful sound. This morning he was playing that mash up of it's a wonderful world plus somewhere over the rainbow. It was kind of amazing at one point I think he felt a little self-conscious about the music and he stopped his music player at that moment two or three people came forward and asked that he continue playing his music the thought it was beautiful. Indeed I watched the folks on the platform look like a picture from a Dr. Seuss animation, everyone was swaying to the music. I felt like I was in the middle of a Coke commercial.

The moment was shattered with the arrival of the train to the hospital, and of course me and King Happy rolled onto the same car and sure enough there is not enough for both of us but oddly we were happy as we edged ourt chairs close together and swayed to King Happy's music all the way to the medical center

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