Saturday, March 14, 2015

Memoir Time?

My morning caregiver was An hour late. I like to get up early and seems like the earliest I can get a caregiver over here is about 7 o'clock which is okay I guess, that's early enough for anything I have to do anymore. But for some reason Carlos, that's my caregiver on Saturday mornings, thought that might get a time was 8 o'clock. Which I'm sure he would appreciate because he works so hard. I have to admit he is one of my favorite caregivers is very gentle and pretty thorough and sometimes just have to wait for him seems to have a real busy life. Carlos is from Peru, is been in the states for some time has a good command of the language and I think this pretty well for himself. I know he works extremely hard as a caregiver the hours are horrible and caring for people with disabilities or dying Is hard on him. He told me today and events he had happened to him the other day when he walked in on one of his morning patients and found him dead. It shook Carlos Up quite a bit. It was kind of interesting to have him tell me how he handled the situation. I think you needed to vent to somebody that's okay, I am glad I could be that someone today. What I found was really interesting though was that he was considering writing these down as part of his memoir. He says he's had a number of very interesting experiences as being a care provider. I think if he can sit down and write his thoughts out Carlos might have something.

This of course got me thinking, as you all know I've been playing with the idea myself but I can never bring myself to do it. To sit down and write stories out. I know I can do it I know I've got the material I've lived through it. The last couple of days I have noticed an image taken of myself and a friend of mine that I went through rehabilitation with initially some 50 years ago. You are close in age I think he was a couple years older than me I know he was in high school but he was quite a bit different than I was. We were both quads but his injury was a bit more significant than mine. I had a bit more mobility but we sort of hung out together because we're the only quads we knew. The pictures great I think I'll put it on today's post to you guys, really at the beginning of their lives quadriplegic trying to figure out what to do next in a city in the time that disability was just beginning to come of age. So I was thinking when I use this image as a starting point for one-story and seems to meIt actually stimulate more stories about being a quadriplegic or partial quadriplegic in Boise Idaho in the middle 60s. I would have to do some research just make sure my facts were accurate but heck didn't matter this is what happened to me as I remember and Gene too. We were young and we had adventures.lick save

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