Sunday, October 04, 2015

Death Be Not Proud

I'm going to die! I wish this were not the case but I'm having to come to grips with the idea of my evitable end On this last marble. Oh let me put your minds to rest, I don't have cancer, at least not that I am aware of right this minute, and have not done the MRI that we spoke of yet which may or may not have some liked to timing but the fact that I'm 64 and and questionable health is making me consider true end-of-life scenarios.

I cannot believe how typical I am of the baby boomers. I'm essentially poor, I'm thankful for health plan that I have but It's a pretty dismal The plan really leaves me the lurches in the number of ways. We are caught in the feeling of circling the drain of our current style of living. Just one pick up medical or Otherwise we would be down the drain. So we are living one day to the next hoping for the best.

When we met with my neurosurgeon last week speaking of the remaining stenosis and what happened what could happen when he tries to remove stenosis you actually said I could die from the operation, if the operation is warranted. He did not say to get my life in order our anything as dramatic but I got the message. In fact the past couple of years Dianne and I talked about how he want to and for each of us to play out If and when The dark Moment comes. I have even considered writing my obituary just so no one else will have to deal with that issue. I assume that writing some other person's obituary is always a drag or at least it would seem to be. If the person's death was not scheduled and an obituary is not written someone has to make something up pretty fast and I've seen some of those obituaries and they are not pretty. So writing one's own second allows you to exercise your creativity at fiction more important have some degree of control into the process and how you'll be considered in the end.

I do not have the time or the inclination at this point to discuss my conversion from a burial to cremation Let's just say been a long time coming And though I'm not completely comfortable with the concept of being incinerated I no longer feel that burial in the ground is the only way out. It must have been a large part of the decision has been based on cost which is not cheap and how rude and crude the whole concept is when one thinks about Ground burial.

So I'm thinking “why not?” After I made this acceptance I started thinking about where I would want my ashes spread. Truth be told that many places left I would want to be spread. The little farm I was brought up on as long since been dissected into smaller homes. The “cabin” my brother and two friends used to hang around as kids I'm sure has also been co-opted some sort of river bottom estates which is a shame And two half acres which is to be desert property of my families as long as so and I'm sure also been gentrified.. So I've contemplated what was left: there's the Boise River By the islands were used to hang out as kids and again I think like our It is co-opted by rich people. It seems like such a waste dump my ashes in the river just because it's the river. I'm thinking which might be a good place might be table rock. Table rock had a quarry at its rear and rises up ove Boise city And I think well stand there for the next thousand years at least. There's a regular housing that has taken over Table rock but I'm hoping the quarry still remains and if so can I get someone that is indeed there? I think that's the place. Of the four of us to enjoy that area one has cancer, one has Parkinson's getting close to the end stage and one is my friend John who to my knowledge has no significant health issues aside from aging. Have not yet talked to about this idea and whether or not he would even go through with it. We were relatively close growing up to adolescents and then went our ways but we'll have to see. We'll have to see.

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