Sunday, September 04, 2016

I Am Sorry I Doubted You

Me an older brother circa 1952 

I've spent most of my life terrified of the dentist. I think I have had good reason to be from my earliest memories a visit to the family dentist, Dr. Froggly, resulted in me biting his finger, only after he probed the cavity. Nevertheless I remember him lifted me out of the dental chair I must've been about five and marching me back to my motherAnd informing her that she would need to find another dentist because he was not going to work on me again. I think I may have found for five years before seeing another dentist. Now, at this terror the fact that I have an older brother loved to harass me anyway that he could. My brother is five years older than me and of course I thought he knew everything. Among the many half-truths he told me early on was about the dentist, when numbing my brothers mouth That something happened and the needle went into his eyes are felt like it did. My brother only told me this once but stuck with me all my life. Later in life I figured this was just another ploy my brother used to terrify me and to keep me in my place.

I have not really thought too much of this except when telling somebody of the trials and tribulations of my childhood. However, this did come to the forefront of my thoughts the other day when enduring my recent emergency extraction. I just gone through this extended exposure to nitric oxide – – again have no reason why I was subjected to this gas – – but I guess I was sufficiently “relaxed” and the oral surgeon came at me with the dreaded syringe. I'm rather proud of myself in that I've gotten used to the needle in the mouth routine when it comes to numbing my face. I've had good experiences with Drew Luke was done a masterful job of numbing my face over the last two decades. I mean hey disgThis guy's an oral surgeon he's got got to know what he's doing! The answer to the needle into the back of my mouth and delivered the payload And that was cool. I felt the “pinch” and then he attacked the top of my mouth on the right side, the site where the culprit tooth was to be extracted. The split-second feel as if the needle into my mouth had gone all the way up to my eye! The pain was instantly fleating then all was good. But in a flash I was transported back My older brother warning me about the dentist needle having it forced into my eye. And in that second I had to take back all those negative thoughts I had settled in with these last 60 years. I can see now how he would've or could've thought that the needle had gone into his – – after all he would've been about 10 years old to my five. So maybe, and this is what I really want to think and believe, he was just big brotherly watching out for me let me know what I needed to know.

I'm a little conflicted how to proceed; at first I was going to forgive him then I realized there's nothing to forgive you may have given me that information in good faith looking out for me. Maybe I should forgive myself For harboring negative feelings for so long. Maybe I should let it go to laugh and the silent thanks a little brother to a big brother. He really was looking out for me...or so I want to believe.

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