Saturday, September 15, 2018

A New Hope

Blog 091518 – – Saturday

I finally managed to pull myself away from a TNT presentation of Star Wars: A New Hope. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen this production yet I never grow tired of the whole thing. I basically love anything that science-fiction but Star Wars saga is something special. Perhaps, because it came at a time in my life when everything was kind of special. I was into my first marriage about three years. Mark Anthony had been born that previous June and everything seemed to be positive.

Star Wars was huge that year. It seemed that anyone who loved science fiction at something to talk about and to hold onto. Not that I was hiding in the closet but sci-fi people were still a bit of a minority. Up until that point most radical thing had done as a science fiction enthusiast was taken class from scary Sherry Maguire called sci-fi as literature. This class is one the best classes I've ever taken at the college level. I think we even took Mark with this to the theater to see Star Wars. Luckily, we were not alone. However, I still must commend Mark Anthony for being a perfect infant choosing to sleep through most of the first Star Wars movie and then enjoying the rest of the movie when he finally did wake. Those are great times.

I of course have the four DVD set of the first Star Wars movies. It would probably make more sense to watch the movies off the DVDs but it's just more fun to see the movie sandwiched in between the commercials. Again, reminded me of those holiday presentations following the movie's release when as a special offering from the networks Star Wars would be broadcast on Thanksgiving evening as well as sometime during the Christmas season. “A New Hope”, I thought was so cool to broadcast/present a movie in the middle of its series. Took me forever to figure this out. But I finally did and was astounded as the new movies were released and a culture was created.

It's not that I've grown out of Star Wars perhaps maybe Star Wars franchise which is a huge universe in and of itself. I saw the last couple of installments is just ways to increase the filthy lucre of those “creating” new installments. Rather than promote the story I see whoever is in charge just trying to sell more action figures, T-shirts and movie seats. Kind of breaks my heart. However, those lucre chasers cannot take away the first three or so installments of the Star Wars saga when everything was new and fresh and full of wonder. Good guys and the villain so evil to develop planetoid which could eradicate whole planets with its deadly death Ray. A trilogy based on nothing but good and evil where you are never sure that good was going to win. Of course, deep down, you knew that what you are watching was nothing but a formula for entertainment since the beginning of movies. I'm sure the movie is still playing and once I have this poster I will tune in for the rest of A New Hope. And I see the next installment begins right after it. I doubt I'll watch the whole movie just enough to get a feel of how great the force is hoping it is with me.

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