Saturday, September 01, 2018

September Saturday

I must be honest when I got up this morning I was prepared to be disappointed. I would not been surprised at all if the 7 o'clock hour were to come in there would be no healthcare person. After all this has become my experience when something does happen to my regular caregiver. However, a labor under the yoke of eternal hope and even though at five minutes after seven this morning I was not upset or angry. I was feeling okay physically (not like I was holding back a major poop). I even felt confident I can go another day should I need to. Then about 15 minutes after the hour I hear my cell phone ringing. It is Annette my substitute caregiver. She has forgotten the code to get into my apartment complex – – it is after all, a secure living facility. I am relieved

There is a dance Think any beast must do on meeting for the first time. I can tell from the voice on the phone that Annette was going to be okay. I was even more pleased when she came through the door and was ready to go to work. I introduced myself as I led her to the bathroom. It was a good first meeting the fact that I was stark naked did not bother her in the least. Annette was not bothered by either the suppository or the Maxi lift. She had no experience with the Maxi but knew her way around a sling and she took direction very well as I have to explain to her how to fit the sling around me. Annette was/is confident but very willing to learn and took direction well.

I'm pleased, Annette is a keeper. I felt some pressure taking off my will reload. I believe I've mentioned more than once in the past of subtle hints that Dana my current health caregiver has given regarding her thoughts about returning to school full-time. I'm not sure how soon it all this might happen but just knowing that Annette is out there and seems most willing to take me on as a client if need be. She was impressed and delighted at how independent I seem to be. She also thought I was nice and that's always good to hear. This experience is also brought be renewed faith in my home health providers backup system. The system doesn't work as well as I would like it to but I have been rewarded with constant contacting the company but I don't get my needs met. I still think there's a few things that are a little fishy about the organization but once again those willing to overlook that they overlook things I asked them to do which may not be totally legal in the eyes of the law but I must for me at a lower price.

I went to the farmers market again this afternoon, after I spent a decent amount of time standards between a bickering couple at the food bank. One of the vendors sellssalt-and-pepper corn And really, the court is just wonderful. Last week I got just a few ears and I really was going to enjoy more this week but alas, then ask the sold-out by the time I got to the market. I did buy just a regular sweetcorn hopefully that will last until next week.

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