Sunday, September 30, 2018


I woke rather late this morning almost 7 AM! That's great actually the first time this week or last week now that I actually got enough sleep that I didn't feel groggy when I woke. But I was surprised to see that the sky was overcast. There were clouds. Dense clouds the kind of clouds which promise moisture. I laid there in bed sometime , I can do that on Sunday mornings. I have no meetings nor do I have staff coming in to help me do my program. I thought about waking up to clouds and how much I missed files the last couple of months. I hope it rains soon.

The clouds reminded me of Gloria, a friend of mine, a fellow employee when I worked at Salt Lake United Way 211. Gloria was the same pod as me. Gloria was a graduate student I believe from school social work. She was kind of mysterious but very friendly to me which I appreciated. Gloria was smart, you could tell she was smart in that way you can tell a person smart buy just the way they conduct themselves. Gloria loved the rain she love storms, Gloria loved stormy nights with great winds and monstrous lightning flashes the bigger the better. While I worked at 211 we never had enough storms to satisfy Gloria. So now anytime there's the possibility of stormy weather I think of Gloria.

Gloria is very Hispanic, she of course is one of the English/Spanish speaking operators on the 211 staff. I have never asked Gloria about her politics but I'm convinced that Gloria is a Marxist is not she should be. What little bit I understand of Marxism I doubt that I am a very good representative. I do however worked very hard to make sure the minorities and low-income get a fair shake. More than once that I have knockdown drag out discussions with callers on the phones at 211 sticking up for the lower classes. I got in trouble more than once instructing folks who had called in with problems either with their rent or with medical issues or in some cases disability issues since I was the “disability guide” on staff. Gloria, was in the cubicle directly on the other side of mine and she often heard my conversations. Gloria always encouraged me forward. Gloria is totally down to earth, she does not wear fatigues but she does choose to wear the uniform of the student, lots of flannel and denim, flip-flops for summer and old Converse All-Stars during the cold weather. Gloria has had her Masters degree sometime now her wardrobe might be different now. However, earlier this summer I had lunch with my old staff from 211 and the girl looked laid back as ever. There were three or four staff at 211 I really enjoyed while I worked there.

There's a building in downtown Salt Lake that has a giant image of the Madonna. It's a beautiful rendition was even more remarkable is that I think it looks exactly like Gloria from 211. I really thought she could have been the model and I asked her as much. Gloria just blushed and said no it was not her then laughed at me and punched me in the arm as Gloria does. I still think she's the secret model for the Salt Lake Madonna and if she's not she should be.

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