Friday, September 07, 2018

From the Inside Out

I don't know why I did it but I cooked today. I love cooking and you guys know that I've written about the concept enough. Made a big pot of beans last week and I think the beans went bad, at least I think so. That pot of beans was my first attempt at cooking beans from scratch. I cannot believe how many beans when can reconstitute with just water, heat and patience. I put in the wrong kind of sausage last week thinking that sausage that didn't really matter well I was wrong sausage does matter are right kind of meat matters at least with beans. I wanted to bowls all those beings that was all I could tolerate I put those beings down the disposal yesterday morning and put a new kind of beings on the soak overnight. This morning I rinsed the beings and put them in a crockpot. By home health person, Dana does a lot of beings. Data is my go to person, now, when it comes to cooking. I used bacon for this pot of beans as well as onions and chicken bouillon and I couldn't the pot all day and finally this evening the beans tested soft enough to eat. I thought seriously about making cornbread but I've had a roll of quick biscuits in the refrigerator that probably got in January and not before and figured I better use them which I did. The “use by date” indicated March but I went for and popped the biscuits open. It always scares me when those biscuits under pressure pop open .The biscuits looked okay, the biscuits smelled okay so I put my pants, preheated the oven and popped the biscuits in the oven and let them cook. Yesterday I used the oven to try to process some Mexican green peppers. I set off the fire alarm of course in a surprise that when I went to put the biscuits in the oven and again when I retrieved the biscuits later the fire alarm to not sound – – I'm not complaining. I hate having to call the building manager every time I try to cook. The biscuits did not rise as much as you would think that that's probably because how long they lingered in my refrigerator. The biscuits taste is all right however I have one with my dinner.

I made the beans from three different kinds, Pinto, black and chickpeas. This batch of beings is much better than the beans up and down the disposal yesterday morning. I don't know if I'll eat anymore the biscuits however there are some good as I novelty. I just took my cost them out before trying to cook them but I'd rather be eating cornbread. If I'm going to worry about carbohydrates and calories I guess I should at least make those scratch so I know what's in them. Having said that however, I can really see myself eating these beans all next week. I might even freeze a portion of the beans to have when the days turn cold and the darkness comes early and I want to feel love from the inside out.


Catsngrams said...

well now you and your brother have another thing in common. The love of beans. I make them in the crock pot but if I am in a hurry I will pressure them, then reheat them and add the extras. I am trying to get my project organized so it does not take me so much time and I can just pick up where I left off, so be pacient and I will get more pictures and info to you.

I must get it organized I realize or I am going to go crazy. I don't know maybe I am already there. Tony says hi and to take care of yourself, so we can come up again and have lunch again.
Love Carla and Tony

Meadowlark's Mind said...

I know this is kind late but thanks for your comment. I love you guys wish I could see more of you take care and have a joyous Christmas season