Sunday, April 28, 2019

I Cooked The mess DAY

Today really wasn't a bad day it was just cooler than it has been with a cold front which wandered in after yesterday's warmish 70°. I one point did go out to test the day to see if the day and sunshine was warm enough to sit out and read there was not enough warmth for me. However, during the night and one of the many times I woke I got to thinking about the possibility of making more be stroganoff. Remember last month I made maybe a couple weeks ago I made the stroganoff with meat that I got from the food bank. It turned out great and the day was a perfect day for such a challenge. I did not have beef like I had before. Last time I used still beef I got from the food bank frozen it worked out perfect. But, I remembered I did have canned beef.

The canned beef I gleaned from food boxes. When people get their food boxes on the third Friday of every month here at the apartment complex, they put all their food they don't want on the sharing shelf. I know I've talked about this in the past but a number of those offerings were cans of beef large number 303 cans of canned beef in juice. “In juice” is written on the outside the camp plus a lot of other federal writing. These cans of food/meet were canned by the USDA. I was a little intimidated by the canned beef until I forced myself to open one couple months ago just to see what it was and how I could use it. It was interesting. On a lark I trouble the Internet to find out if anyone had ever talked about the USDA beef or had any idea of how to use it and I found this great website of recipes from the USDA food program. The document was written in 1935 or 36, amazing! You will remember that. Was smack dab in the middle of the Great Depression which I'm sure is how the USDA got started at least these food programs. Over the years I've handled a lot of USDA food in different capacities and programs I worked in. Usually, delivering this food to low income folks. In Nampa Idaho when I worked at the clinics we channeled great quantities of USDA cheese, macaroni, fruit, beef and other food products. It's amazing. I think USDA works in contract with many many farmers purchasing their produce so that the farms don't go out of business yet must get rid of this food one where the other. Amazing, so much food.

Anyway, I figured canned beef is beef, I guess I could have the be stroganoff completed long before the other had taken but I let it cook all day anyway. I was a little bummed because what I thought were huge chunks of beef ended up breaking down during the cooking process. All the other reason I chose today to make stroganoff was I also had a packet of mushrooms sliced and ready to go. I knew if I did not use the shrooms today they would go bad. I know myself. Now most talk myself into keeping them out for pizza but I knew I'd better do the stroganoff I was up for it. I made it. It's a little more soupy than the other stroganoff was which kind of bums me out but I think it'll stiffen a little bit over time. I cooked the mess all day and I'm debating whether to do noodles are makes potatoes or something. But probably eat enough today. I really try to limit the amount of intake today and yesterday. I love my day of cooking but hated the sore butt that I have, hopefully tomorrow I will feel better.…

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