Thursday, April 18, 2019

This Morning On The Bus

In an effort to be all that I can be I am trying to squeeze more into my conscious day. Even though I have the Kindle reader loaded onto my cell phone and tablets I'm fighting I just and frustrated when I try to read on this device. Sometimes I can find my place after I've read a bit on my tablet but most often I lose my place and it's just frustrating trying to get back to speed. Plus I really thwarted by not been able gauge how much is left of the book to read. It's like I am caught in the never ending read which is very frustrating. Oh sure I can intellectualize the fact that I have 327 more pages to go but I don't have a sense of completion as I go through the book on the tablet. It's something I'm sure I have to get over but as long as they keep publishing books on paper and have major depots of written material like at library giveaways and such I'll elect to go with the printed page. To that and I started dragging my current read with me wherever I go are trying to do so. This morning for example I fully intended to read my book in bound to UCAT. You righteous readers will remember that yesterday I was made aware that a major component on my tilt function of my chair was missing and I need to get it repaired immediately. I decided to forgo the coffee group. It's a beautiful morning, finally spring is here in the mornings feel like spring. I grabbed my book head out to the bus stop.

217, the route on Redwood Road runs on 15 minute headways – – this means every 15 minutes at UTA bus comes trundling down the road. Today is one of my favorite drivers I don't even know how to pronounce his name Subji or something like that his name is written on the shoulder patch of his uniform. He's big and has curly hair and always calls me “Boss” like he really means it. It's kind of silly but I like it. He's a South Sea Islander, not that makes any difference at all but certainly gives him coloring in a flavor it's hard to dismiss. He seems to like his job and he does his job, I think, very well. As we were heading north on Redwood Road a few stops from my pickup. A couple who were South Sea Islanders , a man and a woman,boarded the coach. All the sudden the man breaks out the joyous sounds and the language of the South Sea Islanders. He goes over and hugs Subji in the newcomer tells the driver the female he is with his little sister and is “fresh from the islands” and he's showing her the ropes. It never ceases to amaze me how big these folks are. He is dressed in coveralls, nylon jacket and work boots and both he and the driver had this grand reunion. I had my book out on my lap and I was prepared to read all the way to fifth South. Well of course, this never happened, I was so involved in listing to the conversation in the joyous meeting of the two. Like all little sisters after the initial introduction she was banned to stand behind the yellow line which I think was okay with her she is playing with her handheld device. I envied these two they were truly happy with each other as guys tend to be sometimes. The couple wrote only for four or five blocks thing got off by this laundromat but I don't think they were doing laundry. They made plans to meet like a Chapman song sometime later spring or summer by doubt will never be. At least I hope not I really want this drive to keep his job….

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