Saturday, April 13, 2019

Just A Little Settling…

When I had my first stenosis operation for five years ago now the surgeon must equip the nerve or something because I lost almost all movement on the left side of my body anyway my upper arm since my left leg was already fairly will compromised from the initial neurological insult. I thought about that issue a lot and I've come to the conclusion that the neurosurgeon goofed up big time. Other medical people I've talked to since the surgery of all indicated that the effort to release the pressure should of made my life somewhat better not worse of course it was. The night before my first neurosurgery I was totally independent. I put myself to bed got up showered shaved and dressed and Dianne took me to surgery. When I woke up I was a mess but the stenosis was gone supposedly. I could barely move my left side. I could no longer transfer into our out of bed, on our off the toilet let alone onto the shower bench. In fact I never went back to my bedroom that I shared with my wife. I'm not even going to get into the fact that I had to have machine food – – essentially everything was purĂ©edso I could swallow and not choke to death. I could not believe that I was astounded.

My ex-wife is so cool – – I've said this before and I still believe this – – she can research anything in one of the things that she did initially before I could come home from the hospital was defined a bed that would work for me. She did this of course a great little bed that is totally motorized guy run from my control box at the end of accord. It's actually a great little bad I've loved it. Before, I would just roll up to the big bed I shared with Dianne (a king size bed) and would basically role in the bed from my manual wheelchair. And I would pull myself into the chair the next morning I got up. That was a no go now. The bed is a beauty, the foot of the bed raises up and down as does the head of the bed. The whole bed frame of the mattress actually rises about 6 inches. But nifty is that when I go to bed I can lower the bed significantly lower than my power chair which allows me to literally dive in the bed and roll when I hit the mattress the next morning, when I rise, I can raise the bid high enough to ride just do a controlled fall into my power chair… Sweet! This power bed really is a wonderful bed.

About a year ago I noticed my power bed was beginning to make weird noises during the night. The noise is bed springs settling, you know that sound Creek Creek click click then start all over again. The noise came on somewhat slowly so I didn't pay much attention. The noise always happened after I tumbled and bed and after a few minutes with settle down and I would fall asleep sleeping on my side. Over the last few months the noise is gotten worse. There been a couple times where I thought the noise you keep me up all night but eventually I must tumble off to sleep because I wake up and there is no noise coming from the mattress or bed springs. I contacted Puritan something, the folks at make the bed and even spoke to one of the technicians and he didn't know anything in fact he wanted me to send a sound recording of the problem. I actually have a recording which I'll try to attach to this posting, maybe not today but soon. The noise is gotten worse the last two weeks so come Monday I guess I will try to contact the manufacturer again. I assume this is only natural when you own something like this and use it every day/night. Things begin to wear out and maybe I've worn out the bed springs. Hopefully there's a fix for this. Otherwise, to get any sleep I have to lower the mattress all the way to the lowest position where this springs snug into the bed frame. At this point the mattresses entirely flat and I have a hard time breathing because my nose tends to plug up. If I have to learn to sleep this way I will buy sure don't want to I just think it's weird. Bottom line, I love this bed when it works right, really it's part of the technological package that allows me to be independent as much as I am I just love it noise are no noise onto a workaround… Thanks Dianne, great purchase

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