Saturday, July 03, 2021

One Righteous Watermelon


I'm doing it again. I'm exhibiting that behavior which is so pitiful essentially I'm putting together my very own Fourth of July dinner, like I been doing the last couple years. I like to play like I'm having a very significant holiday function. Last year I could build this fiction by obtaining the steaks, watermelon, potato chips and other items needed for a glorious Fourth of July bash. I learned last year that trying to do everything the day of the event was just excruciatingly tiring. So this year, just playing it by ear getting up this morning and actually building the potato salad, using the potatoes I found in the vegetable dish a couple of evenings ago and then forgetting about them until this morning. For some reason the potato salad is the crowning event of the Fourth of July picnic for me. They could actually be the watermelon as well but we'll get to that in due time.

The potatoes were small comparatively speaking I think I microwaved about six of them and used about four in the potato salad. This morning I diced them up and put them in my yellow mixing bowl next I fished out the remaining three dill pickles in the lonely low bottle who believed in been forgotten. I can just sense the excitement of the pickles as I stabbed each one pull them out of the wall. I diced them up and threw them into the yellow bowl. I next chopped up three green onions I had in the refrigerator tossed them into the mix then realized I didn't have any celery.

Earlier in the morning I came across my neighbor, Billie who lives across the hall, I've written about this person before she is a person even more senior than I but she still has a vehicle and drives, a lot. Anyway she was going to the market last five needed anything that I thought sure why not? “Please find me a righteous watermelon. I didn't think much more about the request. A did tell her to let me know when she came back about helping bring things in from her car. Anyway, I was kind of surprised when the little later when I saw that her vehicle was still gone when I left the apartment complex to dash across the street to get two or three pieces of celery for the potato salad.

When I got back Billie had still not returned from the market but I didn't pay much more attention than that. I process the celery through them in the bowl added some vigorous squirts of mustard as well as Mayo and begin the stirring process. It looked to me as if my mess was turning into potato salad I was more than a little excited. I got the concoction stirred and completed covered with some kind of plastic wrap and thrown in the refrigerator to mingle.

I went to take some garbage out to the dumpster and then I saw Billie had returned the market finally. The temperature was 100°. I asked really she was okay and needed some helpbut Billie said she was okay but she did have the watermelon and she was a little unsure I would never approve of the watermelon. She said she had to go to three stores to finally get something she thought I would approve of! I thought she was kidding at first but then could tell she was very serious. I said why three stores? And she said she couldn't find a watermelon from a company named “Righteous”. And she asked where I found “Righteous Watermelons”. I was covered in guilt. I informed her that righteous as I use the word for watermelons was just synonymous with a good watermelon. Righteous was not a brand name it was just my definition of a great watermelon. I had this vision of this little old lady wandering through three stores trying to find the righteous watermelon sections. She should be the watermelon she picked it was perfect indeed a righteous watermelon. She had a good laugh when I explained to her what I meant but I think the laugh was not real but a forced laugh to make me feel okay and probably for her not to break down and cry. I felt terrible. We sat down and talked for quite a while in her apartment.. I paid her the seven dollars for the watermelon and got it on my lap and carry it over to the apartment to cut up later. Billie and I visited for about a half an hour than I let her go back to my apartment to watch the news and repent for being such a jerk…

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