Thursday, July 01, 2021

Smile! Make Them Think Your Okay

Today is Thursday the first day of July! I could be stupid and make some of those remarks like “Oh my heck where did June go"or “I can't believe it June just slipped away”. Either way it's gone all gone and it's not coming back. I wish would wish it could I don't know what I would do different but I would love to relive the month again just to enjoy the first month of summer and all goes too fast. What doesn't go too fast this power chair. Even though the chair tops out at 6.2 mph which is the same speed as my other chair the just seems a lot slower. It seems each time I want to go somewhere after sitting for a second or two I have to go through the whole selection process to get to Outdoor Fast which is the same as Speed 4 on my other chair. The response time of this chair is, in my opinion, slow again, if you're in what used to be Speed 4, it starts out slowly that gets quick whereas before are in the other chair soda jackrabbits up to speed which I liked. I'm spending all my time building up to speed are having to go through the whole selection process to get to the speed level that I would like our that I have available. This is one of the items I plan to bring up in tomorrow's meeting with my OT. Some of the items I plan to bring forth at tomorrow's meeting is:

A. The width of the chair, B. The cushions and ability to protect my butt, C. The lack of grab handles on the back of the chair that would help in my transfers from the bed to the chair in the mornings when I get up, D. The size of the foot box and the protective padding surrounding the foot box seems to be kind of floppy are oversized and tends to get in my way when I try to get my shoes off our whatever. These are a few things that are at the top of my list sure there's others that I can't remember right this second I don't know if anything can be done but at least I suppose all gone through the process at least my process.

I'm becoming a little worried about my appearance in that I might be somehow expressing my depression, if that's what it is, in my countenance. My neighbor across the hall is probably one of the closest people I have at this facility asked me this morning after the coffee social was I okay? I didn't think I was reacting to glom. I was being responsible in my conversations I thought I was being somewhat friendly and outgoing but somehow Billie picked up my feeling of despondency, which I believe is directly linked to the power chair issue and the issue of not having a housekeeper right now. Both of these items will be dealt with I believe positively in the near future. Oh I forgot, I also concerned about my butt and possible pressure sores. I don't think I have a pressure sore right now but my skin and buttocks seem to be warning the awful strongly that I need to figure out something regarding my seating dilemma. I firmly believe as I indicated earlier all will be taking care of in good time I just hope I survive to, that good time

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