Thursday, March 07, 2024

Shower chair fixed

 A deliberately choose not to wear shoes today. Thursday you know that's the day for coffee social and if I'm lucky not having anything else to do today except get through it. I had possibly considered maybe taking in a movie or going to one of the stores in the area and getting some more tomatoes and materials needed for my concoction. However every time I looked outside it just looked gray and uninviting. A perfect day to be without shoes. So following the coffee social this morning I decided I would go ahead and get my wash done since yesterday didn't work out for the clothes washing because I had to leave immediately following getting done with Melissa and heading out for my meeting. I suppose if I had really planned to go somewhere I would have done shoes. As it were it took me a 2 hours if not a shade longer. A time to get the clothes washed. I even took the clothes following the second dry back to the apartment and immediately folded hung up close so at least that was off the table.

I texted my older brother, Carl to see if he'd help me with my shower chair which needed some attention. I'm trying to keep it going until I either get the new Casters in and replace the old Wheels or the chair that I just did the paperwork on hopefully well I'll be enough to get the chair sent to me without further work on my part. I signed the papers and mailed them back into April over at the Independent Living Center. Hopefully, this will be enough and if indeed a chair does come and able to fix the other chair I will have a suitable backup and maybe it's lightweight enough that if I ever had to go somewhere in a vehicle it could be stowed in the back but I don't want to ask for too much. Was totally good to see my brother when he showed up after his work ended about 4:00. He was able to see what was needed then take off for the hardware store for the nuts and bolts and washers he would need to manufacture a screw for the other side of the chair. My brother was as good old self when he came over really excited to help me. We got the shower chair pretty much fixed up. My brother actually sounded excited for me when I told him that we had found a place to get the casters for the shower chair that I've gone ahead and ordered the front wheels. He sort of seemed like he was planning to put the wheels on the chair when they got here. He took the part that needed repaired home with him, to his shop, and did the repair in about half an hour 45 minutes later returned to my apartment and we assembled the shower chair I'm excited now about showering in the morning to see if my feet actually stay on the footrest. I am positive they will. Once again I'm saved by my big brother. Interestingly we talked about items requiring some memory capabilities and I don't know if he's if his is coming up short or I'm not remembering things at all the way that other folks see things. We had quite a discussion about when my older brother went to live with him and his wife back in the middle sixties. This is a hole another entry to the blog. He fixed my shower chair and then was reminded that he was to be at a movie in a few minutes so in a hurry he had to leave. It would have been that way anyway I've got a great big brother and I'll miss him when one of us goes, I think I'll miss him terribly..

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