Monday, March 11, 2024

Techno storm

I really do think it's odd that tonight when I went to charge my cell phone off my bedside unit for some reason I couldn't get the charger to come on. I think I only had or have 35% on the battery which kind of worries me. This morning when I packed my cell phone into my day pack I noticed it was only about 67% charged and it was on charge all night long supposedly. Now tonight when I went to my tablet to begin my dictation for today's blog entry it's only showing 27% charge. Luckily for me it really does not take much energy to do my dictation however I'm ghosted with a nine feeling that for some reason the charger for my tablet is not working as well as it should be. On the cell phone I tried pulling the connection out of the power strip which I have next to my bed that's got everything I have powered on it of any consequence and plugged it into the wall across the room and picked up immediately saying that it would be totally charged in an hour and a half. I don't really use my phone a lot during the day even when I'm on the bus just scrolling around so if I can get it at least a 95% charge tonight before I turn in I should be okay for tomorrow. But really worries me is that I'm wondering if I'm at the beginning of a tech meltdown- I tend to go through those off and on when all the sudden everything in one particular area of my life tends to fail. This could be a subtle warning that all things Tech in my life might be in question for a short space. Things like my cell phone and my tablet are a pain in the butt when they don't charge but if something happens to my power chair or my power bed then I'm in big trouble I really can be Marooned. So these times I tend to try to be as cautious as possible making sure that everything is topped off electrically that all my power in my chair is up to Snuff as well as my bed. That's all I can do just hope for the best after that.

I just got a message from one of my real blood sisters. I know that sounds weird but it means one of the family I have from the original Mom and Pop gene pool. I have just recently started visiting with her or she started visiting with me and now it looks like we might be communicating on a daily basis. We technically have not met yet physically supposedly this Thursday we're meeting for lunch or coffee or something. She's 4 years older than I am it'll be interested to see how we dovetail if we do it all. I think a lot of this is going to depend on me and how much I'm willing to give. I really do have some feelings about real family versus adopted family but I guess we all have to be aware of where we're from and who we're part of it's just weird..

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