Thursday, November 09, 2023

Thoroughly Thursday

If there is a good side of this current infection that I have it's that for whatever reason, the infection has allowed me basically to sleep through the night with one or two episodes where I wake up in either have to drain or talk myself into not draining and forcing myself back to sleep hopefully capturing any pee that's happening in one of the little absorbent pads that I have invested in quite heavily lately. UTIs have had before have kept me up all night with that false urgency. Anyway, as a introduction to this day's blog. I woke up around 6:00 a.m. and got myself into the chair with little issue. As I indicated I slept pretty well except for one point where I had to drain and I only drained about 300 cc's enough though however don't let me get back into sleep for the last couple hour block. I had to focus on keeping myself focused on dressing to be sure I was ready by the time it was 9:30 to go down to coffee which I did. I was a little worried that because I had pee all over me from the evening I would stink but I pretty much tried to take chair bath after I shaved which I think did pretty good and I think the chair was pretty clean from the work that Melissa did yesterday on it so I was okay I believe. Coffee was uneventful except for of course Pat wasn't there and she was missed. I finally called the dentist office before I went to the coffee group and let them know I had the UTI and graciously they let me reschedule till next week and so I figured with the beautiful sunshine and cloudless sky and whether or not it was colder or whatever I had better get my ass over to the clinic and get something for this UTI.

There's no question about it it is cold, I dressed myself in the red jacket as always and the red blanket wrapped as best as I could around my legs and off I went actually the sun was warm enough if you were dressed as I was and face directly into the sunshine I could feel the warmth on my face which made the time out a lot more enjoyable to me. I felt relief even just checking into the clinic which I did and they stashed me in a side room of course. They directed me to the side room with the little bottle and wanted me to give a sample. That was the only thing that was concerned about I didn't know if I would have enough or how unwildly it would be to give a sample but I was able to do so readily. I didn't make a mess didn't spell anything on me and caught everything pretty much in the bottle. The doc wrote me a prescription for Cipro and off I went stopping at the market on the way home to get the drug filled and finally got back home turned on the heat and tried to enjoy the rest of the day.

The board meeting was okay I feel a little self-conscious zooming in from home but it worked okay. Next time I'll try to go in person. I just couldn't do it today and besides I really wanted the technician to look at my chair Allen and he did. The only drawback was he didn't have the right tools for the job I thought about it but I didn't do it I should have taken an image of the problem so he could have come prepared. He was able to at least halfway fix the chair should make life a little bit easier especially dressing hopefully. The board meeting was okay. There's always I never feel I'm comfortable enough to do anything got myself on a couple of committees I don't know if I'll do any good on finance and something else to do with money. That's pretty funny actually anyway. Is a relatively short meeting which is okay because I was relatively cold I was trying to warm up and get ready for dinner. Like I said the days are cold now 44 degrees even with Sunshine is still cold. I guess that's the way it's got to be but hopefully once I start the regimen of Cipro I won't stink so bad … 

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